Tuesday, December 23, 2008

''Spammers'' OR ''People That Need Help''

People are often banned for spamming.
I'm sure you've noticed lots of blatant advertising as soon as you join.
I don't know about you but I see two different types of people acussed of spamming:

* The ones that come accross as ''know it all'' personalities, with ''the best thing since sliced bread'' poster. I'm sure that you've seen some of those posters sometimes.
They are flashy with all the bells and wistles attached.
Or, they might just describe a huge so called ''money maker''. The more hype involved, the better. You know what I mean.
They'll put that poster or script in e-mails, videos, profiles etc... Depending on the personality type, some will post just one time, and others don't ever give up on stuffing it in your face.
I remember one example when I got an advertising post right in my guestbook. No hello, no nothing attached to it.
I wrote to the person asking if he was aware that he was spamming. His answer back was unbelievable.
He pretty much said that I would not take what he was offering, so that is why he post it in my guestbook.
I wonder if it ever occur to him that maybe I just don't want his stuff.


* The ones that are new to the business with nobody helping them. I've been there, a few years ago, uneducated, excited about my new opportunity and eager to show it to everyone in sight.
I had no help, I had no system to follow and I was in a business model full of hype.
The only thing I had was an upline that I only heard from if I didn't buy anything that month.

I did not know where to advertise, the little money I had went on buying useless leads and phone scripts from big ''guru's''. I was like a blindfolded person trying to catch anything with a pulse.
I was joining business communities, forums and I was placing ads everywhere I could,
hoping that someone will join me. After all, there is word out there that we are all numbers, right?
So there I was playing a numbers game in complete darkness.

Nobody offered me any help, all I was told was ''you're spamming, we'll ban you'' .
I was like an child yelled at over and over but not told what he did wrong or how to make it right.
Did anybody come out and say: ''Let me help you'' ? Nooooo.
Well, there were the ocasional ''let me help you for a price'' offers but that does not count.

Most of us have challenges in the beginning, even you, big guru's out there started somewhere. Did you somehow forget?
Next time you see a so called ''spammer'' ask yourself if that could have been you years ago with no help, no money and no hope. Take a step back and think before you point the finger.

I hope that I helped someone today!

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Let's all remember this season that there is goodness in the world with no price tag on it.
Make 2009 your best year ever!

Download you FREE copy of Success in 10 Steps e-book HERE and save years of failure and frustration.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Your Profile Can Make You Or Break You...

You are the message....

Your profile should be about you...
A profile name as XYZ Money Maker will do you a huge diservice.
You either will not be remembered at all or even worse, someone will google your name a year from now and the search will come up empty,
or attached to some hypey link .
Your Google ''attachment'' will stay there for a long long time so choose your opportunities and profile wisely.

It is You that people are looking for so come out from behind that link. Come out...come out, wherever you are...
What's your name, tell us a bit about yourself...
A link covering you might be just like a bad tattoo that you regret getting 10 years later.

Your name stays the same. A picture of you attached to the name would be great to have.
People do have a photographic memory, and if you stay long enough in one place they will remember you.

Are you holding on to ''the grass is greener on the other side'' mentality? I can tell you now that the grass is really greener only if you are educated.
Otherwise, you'll end up on the same type of lawn, different landlord, and you won't know the difference.
If you jump from place to place and from company to company, I suggest that you take a break today and look around.
Ask yourself why is that happening...
Did you ever actually due your due diligence before you jumped at... ''ground floor, now is the time'' opportunity, or at the... ''we've been around for decades and our product gives you wings'' opportunity?
And due diligence does not mean listening to what your ''superstar space commander'' top income earner tells you every Saturday morning via conference call.
It also does not matter that the companies board of directors came straight from Wall Street. That does not put any money in your pocket...Of course, if you want to, you can find out from them how to make money... on Wall Street.
It's like going to a dentist for eye surgery. He can be the best dentist in the world but that does not do you any good, does it?

If you did not research, now would be a good time to start...Your life depends on it, I promise you.
Going back to the profile, if nobody told you that branding yourself is the right way, then you definitely don't have a proven system to follow.

The proven system is not the upline, by the way...
The proven system is an actual system to follow step by step. And not all systems are created equal. Again, that is where due diligence comes into play again...

Education is very important. Put a few hours into learning what works and what does not in this industry. A few hours go a long way. Your financial future depends on it.

And don't forget that YOU ARE THE MESSAGE!
Stop hiding behind a logo or a bottle of juice and let people see you.
Did you know that the first thing people are considering before they join is who did the presentation?
How can people join you if they don't know you're there?

I hope that I've helped someone today!

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Download your free copy
of the Success in 10 Steps E-book HERE

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Your... Termination... With Or Without Cause?

So you've joined a great company? For what purpose? If you are like most people, the ultimate reason was to retire in X amount of years, right?...
Wrong!... Well, ''wrong'' for 95% of us at least!
Why ? Because of the contract you've signed right before you gave all your personal info to the company.
If you say that you never signed a contract, think again...
''Check the box if you agree with the policies and procedures''... does that ring a bell?
All legal companies have a contract that by law you need to sign.
If you look for it, it should be on the first page of the companies corporate website...or not.
I said it should be for a reason. Not? Well, here is your first red flag...
Not to confuse ''policies and procedures'' with ''terms and conditions''. They are two separate things.

- Sometimes companies require that you sign up before you can see the contract. That is absolutely insane.
Translation: ''Give me your money and only then I'll tell you if this business model works in your best interest or not.''
* How long is your contract?
The longer the contract, the greater the possibility that the policies important to you are being hidden in "Legalese". The writers of your contract ( usually lawyers) know that most people lose focus after reading the first few pages so the worst stuff is on the last few pages.

* Do you have a ''yearly contract renewal''? If you do, did you know that the company has the right to not renew your contract?

* Do you have the word ''termination'' in your contract? That should not be there. Period!
''With or without cause'' ? That means that they could pretty much terminate you for any reason including but not limited to you being too tall or too short.

* Do you have the word ''ongoing'' ? It could be ''ongoing selling'', ''ongoing training'', ''ongoing motivation'', ''ongoing communication with your downline''...
Not just that, you also need to provide the company with proof of your ongoing communication. You have to start using a file cabinet and fill it out with the proofs of all the e-mails and phone calls between you and your downline.
And you better have all that available if someone asks for it, otherwise you can be terminated.
Translation: You could never retire, you'll have to constantly motivate, recruit and sell till the day you die.

* Sometimes the company can terminate you ''if you violate the policies and procedures or for any other reason'', at their ''sole discretion'', ''with or without written notice''.
Translation: They don't have to tell you why they've stopped paying you, and if you go to court you have nothing in your hands to prove anything.

* How about the ''actions of household members''? Why would you be held responsible for what your spouse (that is not in your business) says or does?

* ''Succession''?
Did you ever wonder what happens to your bonuses if something happens to you? Well, it might say in the contract that your successors ''must qualify''.
Translation: If they don't continue selling, recruiting etc..., then they lose all your hard earned money.

Did you just say ''they would not do that to me''? Oh...but they can and they will!...
They did it in the past and they'll do it again!
If they don't mean it, then why is it there?

I understand that the company needs to be protected, but how about you and I? Who is protecting us?
Answer: No one but our due diligence before we join.
Make sure that your company has your best interest at heart! A contract should be a two way street.
Does this contract protect you or the company?

Oh, and one more thing. If it so happens that you want to sue them, you might not have the right to a trial by jury, or, you might have signed that you don't hold them responsable...

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Get You Free Copy of the Success in 10 Steps e-book HERE

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Some Don't Want what You Have! So What?

You just have to be who you are.
The best you can do is be certain that you are connected to your
Source Energy, and let everybody else figure it out for themselves.
Some of them will adore you, some of them will hate you - and none
of it has anything to do with you.
Choose what feels good to you and leave everybody else to choose
what they want.
Don't spend any time saying, "They should choose differently and
they'd feel better."
Instead say, "They're choosing whatever they're choosing; I'm
choosing what I'm choosing, and I'm feeling good while I'm choosing
And let that be the end of it.

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Get Your FREE Copy
Of the Success in 10 Steps Ebook HERE

''Frogs''- An Inspirational Story...


Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs.... who arranged a running competition.
The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.
A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants....

The race began....


No one in crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower.
You heard statements such as:
"Oh, WAY too difficult!!"

"They will NEVER make it to the top."


"Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!"
The tiny frogs began collapsing. One by one....
Except for those, who in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher....

The crowd continued to yell,? "It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!"
More tiny frogs got tired and gave up....
But ONE continued higher and higher and higher....
This one wouldn't give up!

At the end everyone else had given up climbing the tower. Except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top!

THEN all of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it?

A contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal?
It turned out....that the winner was DEAF!!!!

The wisdom of this story is:
Never listen to other people's tendencies to be negative or pessimistic....
Always think of the power words have.
Because everything you hear and read will affect your actions!
Therefore ALWAYS be....POSITIVE!
And above all:
Be DEAF when people tell YOU that you cannot fulfill your dreams!
Always think:
I can do this!

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Download the FREE Success in 10 Steps e-book HERE

Friday, November 28, 2008

Professional Pointer VS Guru

''How to Be a guru'' type materials are some of the best sellers in this industry.
Is that really what you need to become to be successful? Is it a must?
Or maybe what we really need is a team of people that we can go to for answers...

Very few people are considered gurus in this industry and we have a lot to learn from them,
we can use their knowledge on our road to success.
It's not essential to your success to become one of them...

One of my favorite chapters in '' Think and Grow Rich'' by Napoleon Hill
is called Specialized Knowledge. By reading that I was reassured that we don't need to become a ''guru''in order to be successful .
All we need is a ''Master Mind'' group that can supply the knowledge we require.

''Any man is educated who knows where to get the knowledge when he needs it, and how to organize that knowledge into definite plans of action. Through the assistance of his ''Master Mind'' group Henry Ford had at his command all the specialized knowledge he needed to enable him to become one of the wealthiest man in America. It was not essential that he have this knowledge in his own mind.''
Napoleon Hill

Being a guru is not essential to your financial future.
Becoming a professional pointer is.

Find your

''Master Mind'' group.
Remember what Dr. Hill would say :
''Specialized knowledge may be found just around the corner - any corner!''

I appreciate you,

Daniela Riess
Success in 10 Steps

How I Know That Lack Of success Is Not Your Fault...

A little over a year ago, the last place I was looking at
to find reasons for my failure was the business model I was following.

I'm listing below some facts that my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy wrote based on his findings after joining and studying over 100 MLM companies.
I hope this will help you as much as they helped me
when you and if you blame yourself for your lack of success:

''The hard-driving, closing salesperson is about 8% of the population. And those 8% have convinced the other 92% that the 8% are right and the 92% are wrong. How did they do that? Because that is what they DO. It works for them, so they have total confidence that they are right, and when you feel their confidence, you KNOW they must be right, so you do what they tell you.

Ninety-two percent of the world's population is sales-resistant. They do not like to be sold, and they do not want to become that pushy, aggressive salesperson that nobody likes. Yet when they join MLM, some upline leader tells them, "Make a list of your friends and family. Call them up. Get 'em into the business. You need to hear 100 'No's for every 'Yes'.

Guess what? It still only works for the 8%. If you let them mesmerize you, you can wander aimlessly in the "failure" desert for years ... maybe forever.

You can't become something you hate in order to be successful. This model works for the 8% who are real salespeople. It's a disaster for the rest of us ... a very bad business model.

Every person on the planet has to be educated in the skills of what they're doing. Whether you're a doctor, carpenter, plumber, ditchdigger ... whatever you are ... you've got to be taught the skills of that business.

Do you think you can wake up one morning and say, "I'm going to be a doctor!" And you go down and join a company, get a distributor kit for 50 bucks, and you're a doctor?

Of course not. That's ludicrous...

...People get in network marketing, and they're told, "Call your friends & family." It's the biggest fallacy in the industry. Network marketing is not a sales business. It's a teaching & mentoring business. When you build people, people will build your business.

Those upline guru leaders will tell you, "Well, you didn't make enough phone calls. You're a loser. If it's to be, it's up to me."
Have you heard all that stuff? I'll bet you've believed it, too, haven't you?''

I hope some of you found some relief in reading this. If you are working on your business and your business is still not growing it is not your fault.
I've been there and I've done it all, got on conference calls, bought leads, signed up friends, family and neighbours etc...

Two years ago, I was visiting an Expo in Atlanta with my husband and
that gave me the chance to try the last thing that was left to try.
It's called: ''every 'no' you are one step closer to a 'yes' ''.
I talked to over 300 people in 3 days and all I got was ''No!''. Not even one ''Yes''.
Oh...hold on...I did get a few ''I'll think about it'' and a huge hit at my self confidence and at my belief in this business.

My days of trial and error were over when I realized that people are not numbers like I was taught.
People are people, they are brothers, sisters, mothers, spouses... People are not numbers... Listen to people and understand them, find out their needs and worries, and come up with a solution.
That is what people want...solutions to their problems, not products and opportunities...
I was doing it all wrong, no wonder I was failing.

I appreciate you,

Daniela Riess

Here the three words that made a
huge difference for a lot of people just like me:

Proven Duplicatable System...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Any Excuse Will Do and Yours is a Great One!...

When we choose to build a business from home, somehow some people assume it will be easy...
They expect that it will be working without any or with little effort on their part.

We have to get rid of the instant gratification mentality if we want to own our lives.
We need skills, we need consistency and we need to be motivated just to name a few.

I use traffic exchanges for my business and I'm amazed by what I see every day. No wonder some people think this is an easy business.
I've seen everything from ''it will sell itself'' to ''free money'' to ''no investment required'' to ''automated profit with no work required''

Are you kidding me? This is the real world, my friends!

If the product sells itself, then why would the company need you? If nobody spends any money then where is the money coming from?

What if I would ask you how much money you want to make a month and let's assume you'd say $25,000.
That is about $800/day .
Now take a look at what you do for your business every day, and think of yourself as your own employee. Would you pay an employee $800 at the end of today for the same work you've just put into your business?

I see people quitting every day, and I've heard quite a few excuses...Best one of all is ''I need money fast. This is taking too long...''
We are so used to getting that check every 2 weeks from our J.O.B. that we expect the same thing to happen in Network Marketing . We wait two weeks, nothing happens and the we quit.

Here is the difference:
In a J.O.B. we are exchanging time for money.
However, in Network Marketing we exchange time for results. The difference is huge, especially when we understand that actions are needed before the results can come.

Another thing that we hang on to when we make the transition from a JOB to a home based business is the misconception that we do not need peoples skills.
We do need them and in order to master people skills we first have to work on ourselves first.
That is the part where unfortunately, reading a great book like Think and Grow Rich seems unnecesary and very time consuming to some of us...

Or how about missing that soap opera episode? That seems tabu for some people...
My mentor once said : ''Whatever happens in that episode does not matter''
That is so true and yet we always find time for a TV show, and never enough time to improve ourselves.

Another thing that some people don't understand is that a business is not a punch in and punch out 9-5 job.
We need to be prepared for a very different schedule that varies from day to day. To make that work we need organizing skills and discipline.

I used to get upset when people gave me excuses.
One day I asked my mentor what I should do when someone gives me an excuse:

This is exactly what he said :
''Daniela, write this down: ''Any excuse will do, and that is a great one.''
It worked! I even used it on myself from time to time...

Try saying that, say it to yourself every time you feel like quitting.
And if you think this business does not require any effort, then this is not for you. Don't waste your time and money because it will not work.

At a job, a boss holds us accountable and we do everything in our power to keep that job.
Why can we only be held accountable by someone else and not be able to hold ourselves accountable to own our lives.

Oh...and one more thing...
Did you know that there are on average 80% more people applying for a $40.000/ per year job than people applying for a $40,000 per month job? I added that just so you know that the ''too much competition'' excuse does not work either.

I hope this helped....

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Get Your Free Success In 10 Steps e-book HERE

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Are You Thinking Like a Prospect?

Are you leading your presentation with the product?
This is my story. It might make you a lot of money or it may not :

A couple years back I was a distributor in one of the biggest MLM companies with a great wellness product line.
I suffer from Multiple Sclerosis so after trying their product for a few months the difference in my walking was so noticeable that my neighbours started asking me what I was doing different.
That company was all about the product and how great it was. Most of the training was product...ingredients...product...ingredients again...
My good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy would say ''green leprechauns were harvesting that product every other full moon night'' ...that's how special it was...

I started telling my neighbours how great the patented product was, what the ingredients were, how ''unique'' it was, how many double-blinded study trials the company did, the full history of the doctor that ''discovered'' the main ingredient, how many years it took to come up with that perfect formula etc...
I'm sure for some of you that sounds oh so familiar...

I even said to them proudly that in order to find one of the ingredients, a bunch of scientists had to go on the bottom of the ocean and collect a very rare to find algae, otherwise the product would not work that well.
And...I found time to even mention that the company was publicly traded and that it reached a billion dollars in sales... Oh, and that the owner had four kids...
You get the idea...

I thought everybody on my street will buy that product from me after that wonderful and almost complete presentation.
I said almost because just when I was getting warmed up, to my surprise they all had to go...
And guess what ? All they said was : ''WOW! Amazing!''
Then it came my favorite one of all : ''Good for you!...''
I can't count how many times I heard that ''good for you'' thing in the next few months.
And guess what? Nobody bought my product. I was sure that somebody will... After all, I was a walking testimonial and a product expert.

That reminds me of a great book called: "If My Product's So Great, How Come I Can't Sell It?" by Kim Klaver.

So this was my short story...
Most companies have great products, they would not be in business if they did not.
Leading with the product will not work and you don't need to be a product expert. There is a great thing out there called Google for all the prospects interested in detailed ingredients studies.
In this business what we need to become is professional pointers. That is what's duplicatable.

And below is a great quiz for you. The key question is :
Are you thinking like a prospect?

What do prospects consider most important in deciding on a company?
Rate the items yourself, from 1 to 10, most important to least important,
from a prospects point of view:

-Company literature shown
-Marketing plan and potential earnings
-Training provided
-Who gave the presentation
-Product line
-Company management experience
-Up-line support
-company image
-sales kit provided
-being first in your area

My friend Tom ''Big Al'' Schreiter, one of the best generic trainers in this industry, traveled the world, talked to network marketers, and discovered the results to this quiz.

To get the results to the quiz
get your free copy of the Success in 10 Steps HERE

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

MLM Strategy - Dangling the Carrot

Your success has nothing to to with your upline having a two million dollars home
and driving a Lamborghini.
I see people joining opportunities based on hype. I also see people that join and stick to a company with a terrible compensation plan just because '' the upline is making $900.000 per year''.
So what? What does that do for you?
That the upline can sell ice to eskimos does not matter.
It's you that matters, and what works for your personality type.
Sell...sell...sell...recruit...recruit...recruit does not work for most of us. That business model is sooooo not duplicatable, even if it does work for a small number of network marketers.
Remember... the heavy hitters have no problem replacing people over and over again...
Someone drops out, so what ? They can recruit another in no time.

They can, they are very good at it, they have the pesonality type to do it and I think that's great.

But that does not mean you and I can do it, and that's perfectly OK. We can be successful without having to try to become a heavy hitter.
Please don't listen to the ones that tell you that you have to change who you are to be successful.
Don't listen to the ones telling you that in order to be successful, you have to recruit your neighbours and make a list of your friends and family.

Another point I want to make when it comes to dangling the carrot strategy is getting paid very little, lets say 1%-2% on your first few levels of your compensation plan .

I know what most of you are going to say: ''But...if I reach level 10 I'll get 40%''.

Here is a reality check:
Most people don't go over levels 2 or 3, and that's statistics, that is not an excuse like some of you might say.
Most people are part-timers and they need to get paid early and they need to get paid fairly and often. Otherwise, what's the incentive for them to stick around?...
And please don't say ''the 40% on level 10''...

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Get Your FREE Success in 10 Steps e-book HERE

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Vampire Network Marketing - Why No One Sells Retail To Mom!

If you talk to 100 people, 99.9 of them will tell you they’ve never sold product retail to Mom. Why?

It’s because:

1. Products are too expensive.

2. You don’t feel right making money off Mom.

What’s the answer?

You must have value-priced products that you’re not ashamed of. The problem in network marketing is, companies have such massive overhead, they have to charge tremendous prices for their products in order to pay a commission.

When that happens, you cannot sell to Mom retail, because you know the price is way too high. So you’re always selling wholesale - and probably, not just to Mom. Most people can’t sell MLM products retail to anybody!

If your payplan is all about wholesale - in other words, it’s “recruit, recruit, recruit” - where is your retail profit?

If you’re in a business opportunity and it’s always about “recruit”, new blood, new blood, new blood … it’s called Vampire Network Marketing. You need to ask yourself whether you can have long-term success in a business where nobody sells products retail.

Hint: there’s a real logical answer to this question.

By my good friend and mentor - Michael Dlouhy

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Get Your FREE Copy
of the Success in 10 Steps e-book HERE

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Two Little Words That Scream, “Network Marketing Scam!”

Word #1: probably the biggest scam ever run on people in MLM network marketing is the powerline.

The worst thing you can ever do building your business is to create fear of loss. It’s the worst way to build your business. Oh, yes, it definitely works … to get people in. But you have a totally false business, because you’ve got a bunch of people, and none of them ever does anything.

Word #2: Many companies that do a powerline - or even a binary or a matrix - focus their promotion talk on spillover. Now, I have met people who have gotten spillover, definitely. BUT - none of the people that were spilled over on them ever did anything! Why?

Because the promise of “spillover” creates a welfare mentality. What happens when you tell people, “Oh, get in NOW, and you are going to get spillover!”

They’re afraid of losing something for nothing. So they do get in now … and then they sit and wait for all that spillover to make them rich.

Isn’t That A Wonderful Business Plan?

It’s like joining a binary because you can get a position that already has $1 million volume in the strong leg. The reality is, you don’t make a dime, unless you build the weak leg, But people get so worked up about losing that “$1 million position”, they join … and never do anything, and never earn any income.

So never forget those words, powerline & spillover. Anytime you see them, their purpose is to promote the welfare mentality. Something for nothing, something for nothing, something for nothing.

The fact is, you are in network marketing. Network marketing is a business that takes work. It’s net-work marketing, ok? it’s not net-free marketing. It’s not net-spillover marketing. It’s not net-zero marketing, it takes work. Anything you do that promotes the “something for nothing” mindset will not work. End of story.

But you will draw in a bunch of couch potatoes who are convinced that you are going to build it for them. Matter of fact, you can even give them your bank account number, and you’ll just pass the money directly to their account. They don’t have to leave the couch. They can stay on the couch, drink their beer and watch a football game. No problem.

Use Those Two Words As A Tip

Whatever company or whatever distributor is saying them to you, that is not the company or the person you want to depend on long-term. They will not be successful. Keep on looking. There are lots of good companies & MLMers out there. Keep looking, and you’ll find the right mentor.

by my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Get your FREE Success in 10 Steps e-book

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Handling Criticism in Your MLM Business

I have a plaque on my wall that says, “What anybody else thinks about me is none of my business.” I like that sentiment, because it’s easy to get caught up in what other people say about you, or to you. You have to please yourself first. It’s always possible that criticism may give you a helpful hint, but too often, it’s just misplaced anger. Somebody else sees how you do things and it doesn’t match with how they would do things, so you must be wrong. Taking comments like that to heart can really hurt your network marketing progress.

Sometimes we attack the criticizer. That’s not too productive. It just puts more focus on the negative, makes you think about it longer, takes you away from result-producing activities.

If the guns are being fired directly at you, the real key is to stay cool. Keep your focus. Do whatever you need to do to not begin some back-and-forth battle. What works for me is thinking of my perfect day. Anytime I feel the start of an outside attack, I picture my perfect day in great detail. The result is, the anger does not draw me in. I’m able to stay calm and talk to the person, and the mean words just roll off my back.

One thing I know for sure is that if you react to it, the battle will ramp up. The criticism will get harsher and there will be more of it. The better able you are to relax and maybe picture YOUR perfect day in great detail, the beauty of that day, the sooner the other person will just let go and relax, too. You can’t fight long with no opponent.

by my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess
Success in 10 Steps

Monday, October 13, 2008

Business models drive the behavior

Business models drive the behavior in the field.You cannot change the model. You can only work with it.

Some companies have a business model of very high-priced products which could never be sold to the public on product merit alone. The only way they can be sold is as a money-making opportunity. THAT business model creates an atmosphere of “recruit, recruit, recruit.” And you’re setting yourself up for massive failure.

Think about this. Marketing Principle #1 anywhere in the world is that a business sells products or services for a profit. If your business can’t do that, and you only earn profits by recruiting people … who recruit people who recruit people who recruit people … THAT is not normal! THAT is absolutely not sound marketing. THAT will end up getting the attention of the feds.

Companies that only recruit instead of retailing products or services usually have a very good reason. Which is, their products or services are way over-priced, so no one could ever actually sell them. Don’t put yourself at that competitive disadvantage.
By Michael Dlouhy

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Powerful Networking Secrets

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Why Most Network Marketers Do Zero Retail Business

On this planet, the lifeblood of any company is retail sales to the end consumer. Think about this, Business models drive the behavior in the field.

Would you agree with me that every product - doesn’t matter what it is - a bottle of water, a coke or Pepsi, an aspirin, a vitamin, a liquid nutritional drink - it could be any product out here … if the quality and quantity of all the ingredients, are exactly the same, I ask people, “Would you agree with me that the wholesale manufacturing cost of any product is within pennies of each other?”

And the answer I get is, “Absolutely, no question about it, that is true.”

Now here’s where the problem comes in.

Marketing The Product To The End Consumer

Let me you a story. Companies A, B and C, these are real companies in real life. Company A hired a doctor to formulate the best vitamin product on the planet - and they did. it’s something you can take all at once. It doesn’t interact with any of the other ingredients. Works great. That company is marketing that product. They are a fairly large company, publicly traded.

Another company comes along and what’s so funny about the story is the COO, the bean counter for the first company, sold his piece of the pie and became a distributor with company B.

company B has a binary compensation plan. Now the first company is a stairstep break away comp plan, second company is a binary. So A is the stairstep, B is the binary. And the binary plan is just one left, one right.

Now, that guy said “Whoa! We had this great product with company A … now we want it with company B. So they go and hire the doctor away from company A to formulate them the best product.

And I would ask you another question. When you are a publicly traded company, you are not spending your money. You are spending investors’ money. So when you put that dot, the comma, the zero on a check, does it really matter to you? Does it really matter where you put it? Absolutely not, it is not your money. It’s like you shopping with my credit card.

So they hired the doctor. What that cost, I have no idea. But they told the doctor, “Make us the best vitamin product!” And he said, “Well … they’ve already got it in company A. But we could take that same formula and I could increase everything one gram.

So He Added One More Gram of Stuff To The Stuff

So every capsule of THEIR new stuff had one more gram in it. Great, no problem, So they created that product.

Now, company C came along, The founder of the company said, “Whoa! Company A, company B, they have got a great product. It’s not patented. Don’t need the doctor. Four manufacturing companies make the identical product. All I need to do is get the formula, take it to our manufacturer, see if they can improve it.”

So they did. So they took the same formula and added to it, improved the formula.

Now, here is the reality, I am going to give you the retail sales price on all 3 company’s products.

Company A: $114 retail
Company B: $104 retail
Company C: $39.95 retail

But Isn’t The Wholesale Cost Identical?

Now, you agreed with me that the wholesale manufacturing cost of any product is within pennies. So why the big spread? If you joined Company B, I know for fact that you can buy that product at the super duper low wholesale price of 79.95.

Now, you got to ask yourself this question, since Company B’s wholesale price is double the retail price of company C. why the big difference? Well, first, you need to understand that the business model drives the behavior in the field. In company A and B, the business model promotes the behavior of recruit, recruit, recruit, recruit, recruit. Why? Because normal mortals will not pay that kind of money for product.

They’ll only buy the product to be in the business. So that business model creates the behavior of recruit, recruit, recruit. Now, company C, because it’s $39.95 retail, that creates a behavior of retail, retail, retail. And you can prove it with these numbers.

To make $10,000 a month on the residual auto ship volume in Company A, you need 1400 – 1600 people. Company B, you need 2200 – 2400 people, Company C … you need less than 400 people. Same product. Same people you are selling to. So the big question is, can average part time people ever build a group of 2400? Or can they build a group of 400 easier? Think about that.

So The Business Model Drives The Behavior In the Field. Always!

Why is your product so expensive? Here’s why, the company need a big, big, big, big, big building. It’s so comical. They say, “Oh, we’re debt free.”Yeah. They’re debt-free off the backs of the distributors, they stole the compensation plan to build the big building. Doesn’t help the reps at all.

Think about this for a second. Companies A, B and C, and the breakage … that’s all profits that they make out of you, the distributor. Breakage is the difference between the wholesale cost and the retail cost, that mark-up from 39.95 retail to the 79.95 wholesale. That pays for the big building, the company jet, pays for all that.

A few years back, a prepaid phone card company charged $2 or $3 a minute for prepaid phone calls. You bought a prepaid phone card back then for a dollar a minute. But these were collector’s cards. (”If you don’t scratch the back of the card off, and don’t use the time, it makes it more valuable.”)

So this plastic card, which cost maybe 25 cents to create, was selling for $2 a minute. And the company convinced the people not to scratch it off, so they never had to pay for the phone time.

Isn’t that amazing? It’s no wonder network marketing gets a bad name.

One way to build your business is to sell products at retail. And to do that, you must join a company with value-priced products. It’s important that you look around to find that. Don’t settle for a company that charges 2 or 3 times the product value. Consumers are smart. You will always struggle to build with that company.

by Michael Dlouhy

Get your free copy of Success in 10 Steps ebook HERE

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Monday, September 29, 2008

You Don’t Produce More Milk By Squeezing Harder

Network marketing companies are like a dairy farm. If you needed more milk, would you squeeze harder, or would you get more dairy cows?

Companies call it “raising the bar.” Suddenly, distributors have to buy MORE product to qualify for commissions. So the company forces the distributors to pay for the new $28 Million Home Office. Or the 100 new operators in the Call Center.

Companies that charge reps $19.95 or $29.95 or $39.95 a month for the website to look at their downline genaeology … THAT stuff should be free.

That $20 or $30 or $40 a month is virtually 100% profit to the network marketing company. They want to increase their bottom line. But instead of getting more cows, they squeeze harder.

More Squeezing

Companies that change compensation plans are squeezing harder. They know their reps have built to maximize rep income from the current comp plan. So a totally different comp plan will ALWAYS throw a monkey wrench into the rep’s design and increase the income to the company.

Companies that want more milk start changing comp plans, they charge for more Back Office doohickeys, they force you to order more product to qualify for commissions.

Or they do the RIGHT thing, and get more cows.

Which way does YOUR company play it?

by my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy


I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Get Success in 10 Steps free ebook HERE

Thursday, September 25, 2008

How to identify a SCAM

An Attorney General would ask these two questions:

1 - Would a logical thinking person pay this much money for the product or service if there was not a business opportunity involved?

2 - Does the income stop when the recruiting stops?

If the answer to the first question is "No" and/or the answer to the second question is "Yes",
then it is a scam.

Educate yourself before you join!

To learn more about how to evaluate business opportunities, get your
FREE copy of the success in 10 Steps e-book by clicking HERE

Your friend, always,
Daniela Riess

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Earl Nightingale inspirational Quotes for a Rainy Day

If Your Company Leadership Is Bad, You’re a Goner!

Before you join a network marketing company, be sure to check the background of the company leadership to make sure they have MLM experience, with integrity. A simple Google search will often surprise you.

Not doing this background check is a common mistake, often fatal to your business. When the management team has built a downline themselves, they respect you. Companies are nothing without us - the reps. If they could sell their products themselves, they’d just put some magical ad on the internet somewhere and people would come to buy in droves.

But it does not happen.

Why? Because it takes you and me to build the relationships with the prospects, so they buy from us.

And how do you know if your company leadership has integrity? Simple. Read their company Policies & Procedures. Then you will know.

99.9% of the people you talk to want to build a business and then retire and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

But these companies have come in the backdoor like snakes in the night. They’ve changed their Policies & Procedures, adding phrases like “ongoing sales”, “ongoing recruiting,” “continuous”, “regular meetings.” You cannot retire – even though they’ve promoted early retirement as one of the main benefits of their business! It’s amazing.

If you retire, they can legally terminate you!

Does that show any integrity? Does that show any respect for the reps who built the company, who brought the business to them? Absolutely not.

Your Policies & Procedures are THE contract between you & your company. They are written by the company lawyers. You’d better know for certain what YOUR P&Ps say.

Your friend for life,

Daniela Riess

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Play the ''Find Your Excuse'' Game

Think and Grow Rich is one of the best books ever written.

I'll call this small part I'm sharing today:
'' 99% of excuses are well planned lies''
Please give this a read and you'll be surprised to see how many
of the excuses listed in this chapter you've used in your life and how often :

'' People who do not succeed have one distinguishing trait in common. They know all the reasons for failure, and have what they believe to be air-tight alibis to explain away their own lack of achievement. Some of these alibis are clever, and a few of them are justifiable by the facts. But alibis cannot be used for money. The world wants to know only one thing----have you achieved success?
A character analyst compiled a list of the most commonly used alibis. As you read the list, examine yourself carefully, and determine how many of these alibis, if any, are your own property.
Remember, too, the ph
ilosophy presented in this book makes every one of these alibis obsolete.

IF I didn't have a wife and family... IF I had enough "pull"... IF I had money... IF I had a good education... IF I could get a job... IF I had good health... IF I only had time... IF times were better... IF other people understood me... IF conditions around me were only different... IF I could live my life over again... IF I did not fear what "they" would say... IF I had been given a chance... IF I now had a chance... IF other people didn't "have it in for me"... IF nothing happens to stop me... IF I were only younger... IF I could only do what I want... IF I had been born rich... IF I could meet "the right people"... IF I had the talent that some people have... IF I dared assert myself... IF I only had embraced past opportunities... IF people didn't get on my nerves... IF I didn't have to keep house and look after the children... IF I could save some money... IF the boss only appreciated me... IF I only had somebody to help me... IF my family understood me... IF I lived in a big city... IF I could just get started... IF I were only free... IF I had the personality of some people... IF I were not so fat... IF my talents were known... IF I could just get a "break"... IF I could only get out of debt... IF I hadn't failed... IF I only knew how... IF everybody didn't appose me... IF I didn't have so many worries.. IF I could marry the right person... IF people weren't so dumb... IF my family were not so extravagant... IF I were sure of myself... IF luck were not against me... IF I had not been born under the wrong star... IF it were not true that "what is to be will be"... IF I did not have to work so hard... IF I hadn't lost my money... IF I live
d in a different neighborhood... IF I didn't have a "past"... IF I only had a business of my own... IF other people would only listen to me...

IF***and this is the greatest one of them all...if I had the courage to see myself as I really am, I would find out what is wrong with me, and correct it. Then I might have a chance to profit by my mistakes and learn something from the experience of others, for I know there is something wrong with me, or I would now be where I would have been if I had spent more time analyzing my weaknesses, and less time building alibis to cover them. ''
Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich


Now say to yourself

the following and see how it feels:

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Real-Life MLM “Crash-And-Burn” Happening TODAY!

Listen to this audio & decide for yourself: “What’s Wrong With THIS MLM Picture?”

In Network Marketing, the business model drives the behavior in the field. This example is the real world. This is happening TODAY!

This long-time successful MLM company sells a product. Analyze this real-life situation for yourself to really understand the results of certain company decisions and what you must look for - and what you must avoid - in a network marketing company.

And you’ll hear an actual article written by a real leader in this company talking about the attrition in the company … and why it’s happening:

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Choose a Company For The Long Term

Quick cash = quick crash.

Normal people can’t sleep at night when they have ripped off people and stolen their dreams. You have to get this understanding.

Network marketing is a business that can pay you and your children and your children’s children for the rest of their lives … when you build it with a “5 Pillars” company. For details on a “5 Pillars” company, go HERE

But so many people get sucked in to “build it fast.” I just did a call with a very excited lady. She’s in a binary and tells me, “Oh, they put me in a spot where I’ve already got 700 people down one leg.”

Good. How much money are you making?

“Well … none, yet!”

And that is because they don’t pay anything on the strong leg. They pay it on the weak leg … which no one will ever give you. You have to build that one. But they’ll promise you all those people on your strong leg, because it doesn’t cost them anything, and many people will just sign up because they don’t know any better.

Don’t fall for the scams. Build for the long-term.

Michael Dlouhy


Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE e-book HERE

Friday, August 8, 2008

Strange Practices of People Who Never Succeed

Over the years, I’ve observed a lot of people who have not achieved what they want in life. These people often have a lot in common. I thought it might benefit YOU to have a list of things NOT to do. So, following is what seems to be a mental “To Do” list for non-achievers:

1. Don’t listen to anyone who has had actual success.

2. Take advice from everybody you know who has never achieved a dream.

3. Plan, plan, plan, and plan some more. Get everything 100% right. Then check it a few more times before you actually DO something.

4. Blame others for your failure to achieve what you want.

5. Take time every day to remind yourself what a loser you are.

6. Repeat the same mistakes over and over.

7. Keep going in the same direction that has never gotten you where you want to go.

8. Don’t do anything to replace those limiting, negative thoughts you’ve always had.

9. Keep spending time around those people who assure you you’ll never be successful.

10. Insist that you are right, no matter what the outcome of any action, because being wrong is worse than failure.

Is there anything on this list that YOU ever do?

If so, how can you change it?

Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE ebook HERE

Your friend, always,
Daniela Riess
772 418 0950

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

''Prelaunch ! Ground Floor Opportunity !!!''

I've heard it many times before ''Prelaunch ! Ground Floor Opportunity !!!''

I even fell for it a couple of times, that was before I listened to the ''5 pillars'' call and before I've read ''Success in 10 Steps'' e-book .

Michael Dlouhy is so right :

Some people seem to be forever joining the next ground floor opportunity.
And the next and the next and the next … alluvasudden, somebody who made some
money sometime a long time ago … this one is so good, they came out of
retirement for it!
The Blue personality type is especially susceptible to
this. (I know – I’m a Blue!).
You’re looking for excitement, and what could be
more exciting than something new? So you just jump, jump, jump, and you’re never
in one place long enough to ever build anything.

Unless you own the Fountain of Youth, you’re going to get older, just like the rest of us. The worst words to hear in network marketing are: “ground floor opportunity”. Over 90% of the companies that get started, don’t make it 2 years. And most of the rest are gone after 5 years.
Your chances aren’t much worse playing the lottery.

It’s important to choose a company that has proven it will be around long-term.
Pre-launch deals don’t qualify. Only a very small percentage of them will last even 2 years.
Your benchmark should be at least 2 years. It takes that long to knock the cobwebs out of it. It takes 2 years to get their ducks in a row, to get their campaigns together, to get everything approved in different countries, to get warehouses built, and all that stuff.
They’ve already survived a lot of the normal growing pains. They have much better long-term prospects than any “pre-launch”. Make them prove themselves by being around 2 years before you commit your time & money to that business.

Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE e-book HERE

Your friend, always,
Daniela Riess

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What Network Marketers Can Learn From The Walmart Business Model

What is the lifeblood of ANY business?

Answer: Product movement to the end consumer.

Have you read Sam Walton’s autobiography? His vision, the business model he pioneered, was brilliant. Walton started Walmart & Sam’s Club. He said, “We will be the largest retailer in the world.” And he achieved this goal because he found a way to move product to the end consumer at the cheapest price. How did he do that?

Walton said, “Do people care when they buy their groceries whether there’s an acoustical tile ceiling, or if they see roof rafters and white bar joists?” The answer: They don’t care. So he invented a business model where you have shelves with cases and cases and cases of soda pop.

In the evening, they bring that stuff down & fill the shelves. They stock the warehouse for ALL the manufacturing companies, saving those companies a TON of money.

Every Other Retailer Was Left In The Dust

He built massive warehouses around the world. Then he talked to Scott Tissues, Hershey’s, Johnson & Johnson, Levi’s, all these companies: “Hey! Don’t build expensive warehouses all over the place. Ship your products to MY warehouses, I’ll store it. As we sell it, I’ll pay you.”

So when they scan that bar code, Scott Tissues knows Walmart sold 73 cases of paper towels today. The system tracks that sale. At the end of each day, Walmart sends each vendor the money.

Other retail outlets don’t have the space – or the vision – to make that offer to suppliers. Instead, they buy the stuff in smaller quantity, store it in the back, and move it to the front as needed. There’s no tall, tall, tall ceiling with products stacked way up above you. That’s the way it’s always been done. But that’s not how Walmart does it.

Why Customers Choose Walmart

So Walmart & Sam’s Club pay less for identical products than other retail outlets. And they can pass the savings on to consumers, attracting throngs of buyers to their stores.

How does Sam Walton make money with Sam’s Club? Off the membership. Again, that and the warehousing of products allow them to sell at a very low price. It’s in the business model. Whoever figures how to move product to consumers at the best price, wins. Sam Walton proved that point.

How did he do it? He cut the overhead for all those companies, his product suppliers!

How does this apply in network marketing? Look at every company, every compensation plan. Let’s say every company pays out 50% of retail to reps. Each product, no matter the cost, they pay 50% commission.

You can only cut the pie so many ways. If you pay 50% commission on $79.95, or 50% commission on the identical product at $39.95. Do you think a $39.95 product makes it much easier to sell twice as much or 3 times as much?

Cut the overhead, and you have a better chance to sell that product. You’re not just competing against other network marketing products. You’re competing against Sam’s Club & Walmart, too. Your business model better let you make a good offer to the consumer, or you’ll never succeed.

Whatever network marketing company finds a way to move the product to the end consumer at the best price, wins. And that’s definitely who you want to build your future with.

Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE ebook HERE

Your friend, always,

Daniela Riess

Monday, August 4, 2008

MLM Strategy: The Other Reason Not To Recruit Friends & Family

I'm sharing a few reasons why we should not try to recruit friends and family in our business.

Michael Dlouhy wrote this and I've decided to repost it

''Almost everybody in MLM knows the feeling of being avoided and/or rejected by friends & family. When you recruit friends and family, three things can happen … and two of them are bad:

1. They are successful in your business and your relationship strengthens.

2. They reject your idea and don’t want to join your business, and they’re annoyed at you for what they might see as trying to take advantage of them. This leads to tension at future family gatherings.

3. They do join you, and they fail. Result? See #2 above.

And then there’s another problem that often comes up. When you share your dream with people you care about, they often are sizing you up based on past experience. They’ve known you a long time. Maybe they’re jealous. Maybe your past success annoys them. Maybe your past failure helps them feel superior to you. Maybe they really don’t want to see you be successful.

Total strangers, on the other hand, have no bias. It’s a new relationship, and they often become your biggest fans. Unlike friends & family, their impression isn’t formed by what they know about you (or think they know).

None of us is perfect. We all have weaknesses. The idea is to succeed despite your limitations … and along the way, work at eliminating those weaknesses. To succeed, you will need others to follow your lead. It may well be easier for people who don’t know you to believe in you than it is for people who do know you.

And for sure, you don’t want to put yourself in a situation where you’re trying to lead people who’ve already decided they don’t believe in you.

Just one more reason why - for most people - it’s best to avoid recruiting friends and family until you already have built a successful business. THEN, if their perceptions of you are positive, invite them into your business.''

Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE ebook HERE

Your friend, always,

Daniela Riess
772 418 0950

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The MLM Attitude - YOU Are In Charge

By Michael Dlouhy

As you know, your personal life and your MLM business life don’t always run on an even keel. The more aware you are of that fact, the more important it is to you to focus your attention on the good and positive, and to minimize or change the bad and negative.

Some people can get really caught up in a “down” mood. In a good mood, you feel great. Your common sense is in charge, and you see life as it really as, and as good as you can make it become. Problems aren’t any big deal. Relationships are easy. You can handle anything.

But when we’re on the dark side of the moon, life is a lot tougher. We can really beat ourselves up. And we distrust others and take what they say very personally.

Here’s the craziest thing. When you are in that dark mood, it is 100% of the time going to change back to a good mood, even if you do NOTHING! And you can certainly help it along. Good books, good audiotapes, a good listener … all of these can help you with a fast turnaround.

We’ve all seen the swings in others, and we’ve seen them do some pretty weird things when they are in the “low” mood. And then a little later, we see them and everything is right with their world.

Since your mood is going to change back anyway, what is the point in getting all upset, feeling we live under a dark cloud, that our whole life has fallen apart in the last 45 minutes? Doesn’t that seem pretty ridiculous?

Anytime you’re feeling low, just recognize it as a mood. “This, too, shall pass.”Why let yourself get sucked into a downward spiral? Someone once wrote that people in bad moods tend to come up with permanent solutions to temporary problems. I’ve never heard it said better.

YOU are in charge. YOU know the mood will pass. Whatever bad thoughts you have about your personal life or your MLM business at any time, they will soon be replaced by good ones, whether you do anything or not.

And the good news is, you CAN do things to speed the process back to a positive state of mind. The more you take charge, the happier you will be, and the longer your “good” moods will last.


Get Michael Dlouhy’s FREE e-book:


Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Best Network Marketing Opportunities Focus On Part-Timers

Ninety-five to ninety-seven per cent of your team will be part timers. Your compensation plan needs to focus on the part-timer, not the Heavy Hitter.

Let me tell you a story about that. There is a company out there that’s really rocking and rolling right now. They have a single product. Talking with the top distributor in the company, his group is growing fast. They added 13,000 brand new distributors last month. Only problem is, 14,000 dropped out the back end.

I Call That “Vampire Networking!”

Vampire networking means, you look for new blood. You are always, always, always looking for new blood.

So why is it that these people drop out? The reason they drop out is, they are not making money. Part-time people are not making money. That’s why the network marketing companies need to focus on the part-timers.

And don’t tell me that your super star space commander guru leader is making $200,000 a week. Tell me you have 10,000 part-time people making $200 a week. Because again, 95 - 97% of your group, no matter how big you build it, how small it is, 95-97% are part-time people.

These are part time people, working a 2 or 3 hours a week, maybe 5, 7 hours a week. A half-hour here, an hour there, building their business. Those are the people that have got to get a checkk.

Most Compensation Plans Focus On Recruit, Recruit, Recruit

Problem is, only about 3-4% of the population can recruit. The rest of the world can share.

What’s so amazing about this is, people their whole lives have recommended and promoted. They recommend and promote a good book, good movie, good restaurant. And when they get into network marketing, all the sudden it’s top secret. They don’t tell people about their amazing product, because some idiot Heavy Hitter told them, “You got to start selling people!”

See, they have been sharing their whole life. It’s not a problem. They have recommended and promoted their whole life. since about age 5. Now all the sudden they get into a business and they can’t do that anymore.

Now all the sudden it’s about sell, sell, sell, recruit, recruit, recruit … when in reality, all it is is recommend and promote.

Part-time people can do that. They’ve been doing it since age 5. Just let them do it. But the Heavy Hitters try to change people into this person that they are not.

And it doesn’t work.


Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE e-book and save years of failure and frustration :


Friday, August 1, 2008

MLM Strategy - Curb That Ego!

To be as effective as possible in both your personal life and your MLM business, you must have balance.

To start, you’ll achieve a lot more when you focus on understanding others rather than getting them to understand you. For your communication ability to nourish you both personally and in business, you first have to understand and really hear others. Concentrate on understanding the message they want to get across, and you will understand what’s important to them.

Most of us spend our time struggling to get our own message across to others. Here’s the problem - they can hear all the effort you put into having them understand you, and they decide that you are just like everybody else. They’re looking for someone to listen to them. They want understanding. But all you want is for them to listen to you. Result? A big battle of egos. You may win that battle, but you’ll sure never build your network.

To paraphrase Zig Ziglar, “To have what you want in life, you just need to give enough other people what THEY want in life.”

What others really want is understanding. So give it to them. Really listen to them. Really understand. Soon enough, it will be returned. And your personal and MLM network will build effortlessly.


Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE e-book at www.FreeSuccessKey.com

Technorati Profile

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Your MLM Team - Acknowledge, Admire, Appreciate Them

When you are building a team that you home will take you to the promised land in network marketing, it’s very important that you make a point of liking, admiring, and appreciating them. That’s important in your life with everyone … but especially with your MLM team.

You are the leader of your team. You will get plenty of credit for team accomplishments. Don’t waste a second thinking it might be a good idea to reserve some of the credit for yourself. Instead, recognize everyone around you, let them know how much they mean to you, tell them what they are doing that is really terrific. Acknowledge, admire, appreciate.

Some people have reasons for not doing this. They think the team members already know how much they are appreciated, that they don’t need to hear it again. Maybe they think it sounds phony or over the top.

I think I’m safe in saying that the recipient of appreciation NEVER feels that the thanks is unwarranted. They aren’t embarrassed. They are way more accustomed to not being acknowledged for the things they do. So when you acknowledge them, you create a bond and a trust that is rare. If you think people already know their strengths, so you don’t need to tell them … well, that is wrong. They may well know their strengths … but they often think others don’t recognize it. So when you do point it out, that is a special moment for them.

Even more … it means you are focusing on what is right with your team. They will all appreciate that. When you focus on what is right, you will get more “right” in return. That’s what they will all strive to do. So your appreciation of others also helps build your business.

Make it a point to appreciate team members - and others in your life - every day of the week.


Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE Ebook http://www.MichaelDlouhyebook.com

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Effective MLM Thinking - Garbage Out, Garbage In

By Michael Dlouhy

It’s easy to sometimes resent some of the little things that you have to do on a day-to-day basis, just to keep from losing ground. There’s not much that could be less glamorous or exciting than taking out the garbage. Nobody WANTS to take out the garbage. But it’s got to be done, or there will be serious consequences of one kind or another. We all have tasks like that in our lives.

And that makes it easy to sometimes focus on what a pain in the neck our responsibilities are … and lose track of the fact that others in our groups and our relationships also have boring, monotonous responsibilities that they do every day. It’s really easy to picture everything YOU do to support others. But consider the responsibilities those others perform, too. Think for a moment what your life would be like if you had to do all that yourself.

Sometimes we get in the mode of “keeping score.” We keep track of who is doing what, who is doing more, who is doing less, how it all pales in comparison to what we are doing. The result of this thinking is usually resentment and often, less inclination to do what really needs to be done. Anyone who follows that path very long is headed for failure.

Worrying about whether someone is taking advantage of you is very similar to beliving you have to be right. What is really important to your success is that the jobs get done. That is where to focus, and to set the example for all in your MLM group or in your family. When you just focus on the getting things done part, you’ll free up a lot of energy for the really important activities in your life.


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Monday, July 28, 2008

How Many Recruits & Customers Do You Need To Earn The Income You Want?

How can you set an income goal when you have no idea how many people you need on your team?

I ask people that question all the time, and most of the time, I get a blank look. They don’t have a clue. They’ve never figured it out.

But the fact is, every income goal set by any rep with any company requires a certain number of recruits. What is that number in YOUR company?

If you don’t know the answer, you don’t have a prayer of achieving any income goal.

I asked a guy this question recently, and he said, “Oh, I need 5,000 people to make $10,000 a month.”

I told him that was a very quick answer. How did he know it?

“Well, we make a dollar a bottle. And everybody goes on a 2-bottle autoship, so I’ll need 5,000 people to make $10,000 a month.

How does this play in the REAL world? First of all, 5,000 people … you KNOW not everybody will be on 2 bottles of autoship. Not everybody will be on autoship at all. So you’ll need way more than 5,000 people in the plan. How realistic is that?

But you’ve got to know those numbers.

Lots of people set income goals, but there’s no reality to it, because they don’t go that next step to figure out exactly how many people it will take in their organization to meet those goals.

They don’t know if they need 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 100,000 … they just don’t know. Once you know the formula, you can apply it to any goal you want. You can have a $1,000 a week goal or a $5,000 a week goal. You just need to understand what type of group you want to build.


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Sunday, July 27, 2008

The “Long Tail” Theory of Network Marketing

By Michael Dlouhy
If YOU don’t understand “The Long Tail” of network marketing, your chance of success is pretty small.
Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands … probably millions of people have quit network marketing, totally frustrated, thinking they failed.
The truth is, they just worked the wrong plan.
The Long Tail is a different way of looking at MLM. In the heavy hitters’ business model, you buy leads, call the leads, 98% don’t join, it’s over, burn ‘em off, next, next, next. And the 2% who do join you get disillusioned by no income in the first 6 weeks, so they’re off to some other pie-in-the-sky bizop.
versus … in the Long Tail model, you offer people a valuable freebie in exchange for their contact information. Then you call them up, you talk, you find out what they want & need, you offer them help, you build “know, like & trust” with them.
You continue contacting them at least once a month and over time, they’ll begin to join you in your business. The result is, you are leveraging every minute and dollar you spend to the maximum. And you wind up with people who really want to be in business with you …
People Who Will Actually Build YOUR Business
Network marketing is a relationship business for 2 main reasons:
1. You can’t sell a lick and you know it - so there’s no chance you’ll ever build any kind of business based on you selling something or recruiting somebody. That is why buying a list of leads from some unknown source – or even a known source – makes no sense whatsoever.
2. Your #1 goal is to create an income to support the lifestyle you want, an income which you can pass down to your children’s children. That means you must find business partners who will stick around. And that means you can’t just sell them something. You have to build a relationship with them … which you may do quickly … or which may take months or years.
The key is to make time work for you. If you’re just burning through a list of purchased names, you are always fighting time, because none of those people has had the time to get to know you. But if your goal is to “stock the pond” with real business partner prospects, and build a relationship, then time is working in your favor. The longer they know you, the more contacts you’ll make with them, the more likely they’ll start to see YOU as someone very special in this business.
People Haven’t Changed Much Over The Last Thousand Years
They still want love. They want passion in their personal lives and their professional lives. They want self-satisfaction & health, security & achievement, freedom & trust, fun & financial independence.
People will still want these things a thousand years from now.
The mistakes I see people make in this business astonish me … the wrong directions they take and the worthless busywork they do.
If you want happiness and fortune & fulfillment in your life, if you want a lifetime of luck, you need to create relationships with people. To do that, you need to study people and understand them. If you will only do that, the opportunities you’ll be presented with are endless.
For you to have great success, it’s critical that you have that “Long Tail” viewpoint of building relationships. Over time, those relationships will pay off for you.
That’s why you must promote YOURSELF to people, not some product or company. Unexpected things can happen to products or companies. But if you build the relationship of YOU and that person, then eventually, there’s a good chance you are the one they will come to for help and/or advice … and/or your business opportunity, whatever it is at that particular time.
It’s Not The Product Or The Company Or Even The Money That Is The Magic
Most people focus on the money. Recruit someone today. Sell a product today. When they call people, they churn & burn. If a prospect won’t join now, today, then hang up and call the next one.
The problem is, people quickly spot that “me first” attitude. It’s what they’ve come to expect. It gets you nowhere except frustrated and out of the network marketing business.
It’s time to realize that the magic isn’t the product, the company, or the money. The magic is YOU.
One way to make money in any market is to simply be there and see things in their early stages. Get involved and contribute to others in the same market. I learned long ago how important it is to your financial success & your happiness to be able to predict the future, by seeing things as they really are now.
See Into The Future
You can do that, too … all it takes is a strong commitment. Understand the problems people have in network marketing, and what causes them, and what the solutions are. And if you know that much, it’s easy to build value-based relationships with people, because they will know that you are sincere, that the information you are giving them is true … and that you are helping them.
This is all I have ever done in network marketing, and I promise you, it works like crazy. This very article is a perfect example.
The majority still believe network marketing is a sales business. There are very, very few who realize that the big organizations are built by people who understand The Long Tail … the value of building long-term relationships.
Most people are still focused on making money right now, this afternoon at the latest. But for the money to happen, you must first be a person willing to give value to others with no expectation of return. And your plan should be to continue doing exactly that, over time, so that you can take advantage of The Long Tail of network marketing.
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