Your success has nothing to to with your upline having a two million dollars home
and driving a Lamborghini.
I see people joining opportunities based on hype. I also see people that join and stick to a company with a terrible compensation plan just because '' the upline is making $900.000 per year''.
So what? What does that do for you? That the upline can sell ice to eskimos does not matter.
It's you that matters, and what works for your personality type.
Sell...sell...sell...recruit...recruit...recruit does not work for most of us. That business model is sooooo not duplicatable, even if it does work for a small number of network marketers.
Remember... the heavy hitters have no problem replacing people over and over again...
Someone drops out, so what ? They can recruit another in no time.
They can, they are very good at it, they have the pesonality type to do it and I think that's great.
But that does not mean you and I can do it, and that's perfectly OK. We can be successful without having to try to become a heavy hitter.
Please don't listen to the ones that tell you that you have to change who you are to be successful.
Don't listen to the ones telling you that in order to be successful, you have to recruit your neighbours and make a list of your friends and family.
Another point I want to make when it comes to dangling the carrot strategy is getting paid very little, lets say 1%-2% on your first few levels of your compensation plan .
I know what most of you are going to say: ''But...if I reach level 10 I'll get 40%''.
Most people don't go over levels 2 or 3, and that's statistics, that is not an excuse like some of you might say.
Most people are part-timers and they need to get paid early and they need to get paid fairly and often. Otherwise, what's the incentive for them to stick around?...
And please don't say ''the 40% on level 10''...
I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess
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