Before you join a network marketing company, be sure to check the background of the company leadership to make sure they have MLM experience, with integrity. A simple Google search will often surprise you.
Not doing this background check is a common mistake, often fatal to your business. When the management team has built a downline themselves, they respect you. Companies are nothing without us - the reps. If they could sell their products themselves, they’d just put some magical ad on the internet somewhere and people would come to buy in droves.
But it does not happen.
Why? Because it takes you and me to build the relationships with the prospects, so they buy from us.
And how do you know if your company leadership has integrity? Simple. Read their company Policies & Procedures. Then you will know.
99.9% of the people you talk to want to build a business and then retire and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
But these companies have come in the backdoor like snakes in the night. They’ve changed their Policies & Procedures, adding phrases like “ongoing sales”, “ongoing recruiting,” “continuous”, “regular meetings.” You cannot retire – even though they’ve promoted early retirement as one of the main benefits of their business! It’s amazing.
If you retire, they can legally terminate you!
Does that show any integrity? Does that show any respect for the reps who built the company, who brought the business to them? Absolutely not.
Your Policies & Procedures are THE contract between you & your company. They are written by the company lawyers. You’d better know for certain what YOUR P&Ps say.
Your friend for life,
Daniela Riess
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