Ninety-five to ninety-seven per cent of your team will be part timers. Your compensation plan needs to focus on the part-timer, not the Heavy Hitter.

Let me tell you a story about that. There is a company out there that’s really rocking and rolling right now. They have a single product. Talking with the top distributor in the company, his group is growing fast. They added 13,000 brand new distributors last month. Only problem is, 14,000 dropped out the back end.

I Call That “Vampire Networking!”

Vampire networking means, you look for new blood. You are always, always, always looking for new blood.

So why is it that these people drop out? The reason they drop out is, they are not making money. Part-time people are not making money. That’s why the network marketing companies need to focus on the part-timers.

And don’t tell me that your super star space commander guru leader is making $200,000 a week. Tell me you have 10,000 part-time people making $200 a week. Because again, 95 - 97% of your group, no matter how big you build it, how small it is, 95-97% are part-time people.

These are part time people, working a 2 or 3 hours a week, maybe 5, 7 hours a week. A half-hour here, an hour there, building their business. Those are the people that have got to get a checkk.

Most Compensation Plans Focus On Recruit, Recruit, Recruit

Problem is, only about 3-4% of the population can recruit. The rest of the world can share.

What’s so amazing about this is, people their whole lives have recommended and promoted. They recommend and promote a good book, good movie, good restaurant. And when they get into network marketing, all the sudden it’s top secret. They don’t tell people about their amazing product, because some idiot Heavy Hitter told them, “You got to start selling people!”

See, they have been sharing their whole life. It’s not a problem. They have recommended and promoted their whole life. since about age 5. Now all the sudden they get into a business and they can’t do that anymore.

Now all the sudden it’s about sell, sell, sell, recruit, recruit, recruit … when in reality, all it is is recommend and promote.

Part-time people can do that. They’ve been doing it since age 5. Just let them do it. But the Heavy Hitters try to change people into this person that they are not.

And it doesn’t work.


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