You are the message....
Your profile should be about you...
A profile name as XYZ Money Maker will do you a huge diservice.
You either will not be remembered at all or even worse, someone will google your name a year from now and the search will come up empty, or attached to some hypey link .
Your Google ''attachment'' will stay there for a long long time so choose your opportunities and profile wisely.
It is You that people are looking for so come out from behind that link. Come out...come out, wherever you are...
What's your name, tell us a bit about yourself...
A link covering you might be just like a bad tattoo that you regret getting 10 years later.
Your name stays the same. A picture of you attached to the name would be great to have.
People do have a photographic memory, and if you stay long enough in one place they will remember you.
Are you holding on to ''the grass is greener on the other side'' mentality? I can tell you now that the grass is really greener only if you are educated.
Otherwise, you'll end up on the same type of lawn, different landlord, and you won't know the difference.
If you jump from place to place and from company to company, I suggest that you take a break today and look around.
Ask yourself why is that happening...
Did you ever actually due your due diligence before you jumped at... ''ground floor, now is the time'' opportunity, or at the... ''we've been around for decades and our product gives you wings'' opportunity?
And due diligence does not mean listening to what your ''superstar space commander'' top income earner tells you every Saturday morning via conference call.
It also does not matter that the companies board of directors came straight from Wall Street. That does not put any money in your pocket...Of course, if you want to, you can find out from them how to make money... on Wall Street.
It's like going to a dentist for eye surgery. He can be the best dentist in the world but that does not do you any good, does it?
If you did not research, now would be a good time to start...Your life depends on it, I promise you.
Going back to the profile, if nobody told you that branding yourself is the right way, then you definitely don't have a proven system to follow.
The proven system is not the upline, by the way...
The proven system is an actual system to follow step by step. And not all systems are created equal. Again, that is where due diligence comes into play again...
Education is very important. Put a few hours into learning what works and what does not in this industry. A few hours go a long way. Your financial future depends on it.
And don't forget that YOU ARE THE MESSAGE!
Stop hiding behind a logo or a bottle of juice and let people see you.
Did you know that the first thing people are considering before they join is who did the presentation?
How can people join you if they don't know you're there?
I hope that I've helped someone today!
I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess
Download your free copy
of the Success in 10 Steps E-book HERE
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