Thursday, July 31, 2008

Your MLM Team - Acknowledge, Admire, Appreciate Them

When you are building a team that you home will take you to the promised land in network marketing, it’s very important that you make a point of liking, admiring, and appreciating them. That’s important in your life with everyone … but especially with your MLM team.

You are the leader of your team. You will get plenty of credit for team accomplishments. Don’t waste a second thinking it might be a good idea to reserve some of the credit for yourself. Instead, recognize everyone around you, let them know how much they mean to you, tell them what they are doing that is really terrific. Acknowledge, admire, appreciate.

Some people have reasons for not doing this. They think the team members already know how much they are appreciated, that they don’t need to hear it again. Maybe they think it sounds phony or over the top.

I think I’m safe in saying that the recipient of appreciation NEVER feels that the thanks is unwarranted. They aren’t embarrassed. They are way more accustomed to not being acknowledged for the things they do. So when you acknowledge them, you create a bond and a trust that is rare. If you think people already know their strengths, so you don’t need to tell them … well, that is wrong. They may well know their strengths … but they often think others don’t recognize it. So when you do point it out, that is a special moment for them.

Even more … it means you are focusing on what is right with your team. They will all appreciate that. When you focus on what is right, you will get more “right” in return. That’s what they will all strive to do. So your appreciation of others also helps build your business.

Make it a point to appreciate team members - and others in your life - every day of the week.


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