Wrong!... Well, ''wrong'' for 95% of us at least!
Why ? Because of the contract you've signed right before you gave all your personal info to the company.
''Check the box if you agree with the policies and procedures''... does that ring a bell?
All legal companies have a contract that by law you need to sign.
If you look for it, it should be on the first page of the companies corporate website...or not.
I said it should be for a reason. Not? Well, here is your first red flag...
Not to confuse ''policies and procedures'' with ''terms and conditions''. They are two separate things.
- Sometimes companies require that you sign up before you can see the contract. That is absolutely insane.
Translation: ''Give me your money and only then I'll tell you if this business model works in your best interest or not.''
* How long is your contract?
The longer the contract, the greater the possibility that the policies important to you are being hidden in "Legalese". The writers of your contract ( usually lawyers) know that most people lose focus after reading the first few pages so the worst stuff is on the last few pages.
* Do you have a ''yearly contract renewal''? If you do, did you know that the company has the right to not renew your contract?
* Do you have the word ''termination'' in your contract? That should not be there. Period!
''With or without cause'' ? That means that they could pretty much terminate you for any reason including but not limited to you being too tall or too short.
* Do you have the word ''ongoing'' ? It could be ''ongoing selling'', ''ongoing training'', ''ongoing motivation'', ''ongoing communication with your downline''...
Not just that, you also need to provide the company with proof of your ongoing communication. You have to start using a file cabinet and fill it out with the proofs of all the e-mails and phone calls between you and your downline.
And you better have all that available if someone asks for it, otherwise you can be terminated.
Translation: You could never retire, you'll have to constantly motivate, recruit and sell till the day you die.
* Sometimes the company can terminate you ''if you violate the policies and procedures or for any other reason'', at their ''sole discretion'', ''with or without written notice''.
Translation: They don't have to tell you why they've stopped paying you, and if you go to court you have nothing in your hands to prove anything.
* How about the ''actions of household members''? Why would you be held responsible for what your spouse (that is not in your business) says or does?
* ''Succession''?
Did you ever wonder what happens to your bonuses if something happens to you? Well, it might say in the contract that your successors ''must qualify''.
Translation: If they don't continue selling, recruiting etc..., then they lose all your hard earned money.
Did you just say ''they would not do that to me''? Oh...but they can and they will!...
They did it in the past and they'll do it again!
If they don't mean it, then why is it there?
I understand that the company needs to be protected, but how about you and I? Who is protecting us?
Answer: No one but our due diligence before we join.
Make sure that your company has your best interest at heart! A contract should be a two way street. Does this contract protect you or the company?
Oh, and one more thing. If it so happens that you want to sue them, you might not have the right to a trial by jury, or, you might have signed that you don't hold them responsable...
I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess
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