Monday, July 14, 2008

MLM Team-Building

You get a great sense of satisfaction by giving with no strings attached. You can give material things, or your time, or your expertise. Doing so puts you in the right frame of mind to talk to other people about your MLM opportunity. You know you are acting in their best interest, and that is a real key.

I have driven to New York twice, to help team members when they were ready to move - one to Florida, the other to Kentucky. My son Matthew went with me and helped. I think you, as the leader of your group, need to be Example #1 of bonding and relationship-building. For your people to work well together and to really perform and prosper as a team, they need that example. When they see you walking the talk, how can they do any less?

Not too long ago, I drove 500 miles round-trip to cut down a tree for one of my team. The tree was dead, it was threatening their home, and I’ve cut down a lot of trees in my life. Linda and Matthew came with me. We made a day of it, cutting down the big old hickory tree and cutting it into pieces and hauling it all to their burn pile. We all felt great on that 250 mile ride back home. Do you think an act of kindness like that will create a long-lasting effect? I believe it does. A single act like that can set in motion a series of acts of kindness. Isn’t that a great legacy to give your team?

The lesson is simple: just look for opportunities to help.
Then do so eagerly, with no expectation of return.

But trust me, you will get the return. Immediately, your life is filled with strong positive feelings and content. Who knows what future cycles of kindness you may have started? And last, but certainly not least - you have strengthened your network marketing relationships.

That’s definitely not a bad thing.

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