Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Real-Life MLM “Crash-And-Burn” Happening TODAY!

Listen to this audio & decide for yourself: “What’s Wrong With THIS MLM Picture?”

In Network Marketing, the business model drives the behavior in the field. This example is the real world. This is happening TODAY!

This long-time successful MLM company sells a product. Analyze this real-life situation for yourself to really understand the results of certain company decisions and what you must look for - and what you must avoid - in a network marketing company.

And you’ll hear an actual article written by a real leader in this company talking about the attrition in the company … and why it’s happening:

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Choose a Company For The Long Term

Quick cash = quick crash.

Normal people can’t sleep at night when they have ripped off people and stolen their dreams. You have to get this understanding.

Network marketing is a business that can pay you and your children and your children’s children for the rest of their lives … when you build it with a “5 Pillars” company. For details on a “5 Pillars” company, go HERE

But so many people get sucked in to “build it fast.” I just did a call with a very excited lady. She’s in a binary and tells me, “Oh, they put me in a spot where I’ve already got 700 people down one leg.”

Good. How much money are you making?

“Well … none, yet!”

And that is because they don’t pay anything on the strong leg. They pay it on the weak leg … which no one will ever give you. You have to build that one. But they’ll promise you all those people on your strong leg, because it doesn’t cost them anything, and many people will just sign up because they don’t know any better.

Don’t fall for the scams. Build for the long-term.

Michael Dlouhy


Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE e-book HERE

Friday, August 8, 2008

Strange Practices of People Who Never Succeed

Over the years, I’ve observed a lot of people who have not achieved what they want in life. These people often have a lot in common. I thought it might benefit YOU to have a list of things NOT to do. So, following is what seems to be a mental “To Do” list for non-achievers:

1. Don’t listen to anyone who has had actual success.

2. Take advice from everybody you know who has never achieved a dream.

3. Plan, plan, plan, and plan some more. Get everything 100% right. Then check it a few more times before you actually DO something.

4. Blame others for your failure to achieve what you want.

5. Take time every day to remind yourself what a loser you are.

6. Repeat the same mistakes over and over.

7. Keep going in the same direction that has never gotten you where you want to go.

8. Don’t do anything to replace those limiting, negative thoughts you’ve always had.

9. Keep spending time around those people who assure you you’ll never be successful.

10. Insist that you are right, no matter what the outcome of any action, because being wrong is worse than failure.

Is there anything on this list that YOU ever do?

If so, how can you change it?

Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE ebook HERE

Your friend, always,
Daniela Riess
772 418 0950

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

''Prelaunch ! Ground Floor Opportunity !!!''

I've heard it many times before ''Prelaunch ! Ground Floor Opportunity !!!''

I even fell for it a couple of times, that was before I listened to the ''5 pillars'' call and before I've read ''Success in 10 Steps'' e-book .

Michael Dlouhy is so right :

Some people seem to be forever joining the next ground floor opportunity.
And the next and the next and the next … alluvasudden, somebody who made some
money sometime a long time ago … this one is so good, they came out of
retirement for it!
The Blue personality type is especially susceptible to
this. (I know – I’m a Blue!).
You’re looking for excitement, and what could be
more exciting than something new? So you just jump, jump, jump, and you’re never
in one place long enough to ever build anything.

Unless you own the Fountain of Youth, you’re going to get older, just like the rest of us. The worst words to hear in network marketing are: “ground floor opportunity”. Over 90% of the companies that get started, don’t make it 2 years. And most of the rest are gone after 5 years.
Your chances aren’t much worse playing the lottery.

It’s important to choose a company that has proven it will be around long-term.
Pre-launch deals don’t qualify. Only a very small percentage of them will last even 2 years.
Your benchmark should be at least 2 years. It takes that long to knock the cobwebs out of it. It takes 2 years to get their ducks in a row, to get their campaigns together, to get everything approved in different countries, to get warehouses built, and all that stuff.
They’ve already survived a lot of the normal growing pains. They have much better long-term prospects than any “pre-launch”. Make them prove themselves by being around 2 years before you commit your time & money to that business.

Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE e-book HERE

Your friend, always,
Daniela Riess

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What Network Marketers Can Learn From The Walmart Business Model

What is the lifeblood of ANY business?

Answer: Product movement to the end consumer.

Have you read Sam Walton’s autobiography? His vision, the business model he pioneered, was brilliant. Walton started Walmart & Sam’s Club. He said, “We will be the largest retailer in the world.” And he achieved this goal because he found a way to move product to the end consumer at the cheapest price. How did he do that?

Walton said, “Do people care when they buy their groceries whether there’s an acoustical tile ceiling, or if they see roof rafters and white bar joists?” The answer: They don’t care. So he invented a business model where you have shelves with cases and cases and cases of soda pop.

In the evening, they bring that stuff down & fill the shelves. They stock the warehouse for ALL the manufacturing companies, saving those companies a TON of money.

Every Other Retailer Was Left In The Dust

He built massive warehouses around the world. Then he talked to Scott Tissues, Hershey’s, Johnson & Johnson, Levi’s, all these companies: “Hey! Don’t build expensive warehouses all over the place. Ship your products to MY warehouses, I’ll store it. As we sell it, I’ll pay you.”

So when they scan that bar code, Scott Tissues knows Walmart sold 73 cases of paper towels today. The system tracks that sale. At the end of each day, Walmart sends each vendor the money.

Other retail outlets don’t have the space – or the vision – to make that offer to suppliers. Instead, they buy the stuff in smaller quantity, store it in the back, and move it to the front as needed. There’s no tall, tall, tall ceiling with products stacked way up above you. That’s the way it’s always been done. But that’s not how Walmart does it.

Why Customers Choose Walmart

So Walmart & Sam’s Club pay less for identical products than other retail outlets. And they can pass the savings on to consumers, attracting throngs of buyers to their stores.

How does Sam Walton make money with Sam’s Club? Off the membership. Again, that and the warehousing of products allow them to sell at a very low price. It’s in the business model. Whoever figures how to move product to consumers at the best price, wins. Sam Walton proved that point.

How did he do it? He cut the overhead for all those companies, his product suppliers!

How does this apply in network marketing? Look at every company, every compensation plan. Let’s say every company pays out 50% of retail to reps. Each product, no matter the cost, they pay 50% commission.

You can only cut the pie so many ways. If you pay 50% commission on $79.95, or 50% commission on the identical product at $39.95. Do you think a $39.95 product makes it much easier to sell twice as much or 3 times as much?

Cut the overhead, and you have a better chance to sell that product. You’re not just competing against other network marketing products. You’re competing against Sam’s Club & Walmart, too. Your business model better let you make a good offer to the consumer, or you’ll never succeed.

Whatever network marketing company finds a way to move the product to the end consumer at the best price, wins. And that’s definitely who you want to build your future with.

Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE ebook HERE

Your friend, always,

Daniela Riess

Monday, August 4, 2008

MLM Strategy: The Other Reason Not To Recruit Friends & Family

I'm sharing a few reasons why we should not try to recruit friends and family in our business.

Michael Dlouhy wrote this and I've decided to repost it

''Almost everybody in MLM knows the feeling of being avoided and/or rejected by friends & family. When you recruit friends and family, three things can happen … and two of them are bad:

1. They are successful in your business and your relationship strengthens.

2. They reject your idea and don’t want to join your business, and they’re annoyed at you for what they might see as trying to take advantage of them. This leads to tension at future family gatherings.

3. They do join you, and they fail. Result? See #2 above.

And then there’s another problem that often comes up. When you share your dream with people you care about, they often are sizing you up based on past experience. They’ve known you a long time. Maybe they’re jealous. Maybe your past success annoys them. Maybe your past failure helps them feel superior to you. Maybe they really don’t want to see you be successful.

Total strangers, on the other hand, have no bias. It’s a new relationship, and they often become your biggest fans. Unlike friends & family, their impression isn’t formed by what they know about you (or think they know).

None of us is perfect. We all have weaknesses. The idea is to succeed despite your limitations … and along the way, work at eliminating those weaknesses. To succeed, you will need others to follow your lead. It may well be easier for people who don’t know you to believe in you than it is for people who do know you.

And for sure, you don’t want to put yourself in a situation where you’re trying to lead people who’ve already decided they don’t believe in you.

Just one more reason why - for most people - it’s best to avoid recruiting friends and family until you already have built a successful business. THEN, if their perceptions of you are positive, invite them into your business.''

Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE ebook HERE

Your friend, always,

Daniela Riess
772 418 0950

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The MLM Attitude - YOU Are In Charge

By Michael Dlouhy

As you know, your personal life and your MLM business life don’t always run on an even keel. The more aware you are of that fact, the more important it is to you to focus your attention on the good and positive, and to minimize or change the bad and negative.

Some people can get really caught up in a “down” mood. In a good mood, you feel great. Your common sense is in charge, and you see life as it really as, and as good as you can make it become. Problems aren’t any big deal. Relationships are easy. You can handle anything.

But when we’re on the dark side of the moon, life is a lot tougher. We can really beat ourselves up. And we distrust others and take what they say very personally.

Here’s the craziest thing. When you are in that dark mood, it is 100% of the time going to change back to a good mood, even if you do NOTHING! And you can certainly help it along. Good books, good audiotapes, a good listener … all of these can help you with a fast turnaround.

We’ve all seen the swings in others, and we’ve seen them do some pretty weird things when they are in the “low” mood. And then a little later, we see them and everything is right with their world.

Since your mood is going to change back anyway, what is the point in getting all upset, feeling we live under a dark cloud, that our whole life has fallen apart in the last 45 minutes? Doesn’t that seem pretty ridiculous?

Anytime you’re feeling low, just recognize it as a mood. “This, too, shall pass.”Why let yourself get sucked into a downward spiral? Someone once wrote that people in bad moods tend to come up with permanent solutions to temporary problems. I’ve never heard it said better.

YOU are in charge. YOU know the mood will pass. Whatever bad thoughts you have about your personal life or your MLM business at any time, they will soon be replaced by good ones, whether you do anything or not.

And the good news is, you CAN do things to speed the process back to a positive state of mind. The more you take charge, the happier you will be, and the longer your “good” moods will last.


Get Michael Dlouhy’s FREE e-book:

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Best Network Marketing Opportunities Focus On Part-Timers

Ninety-five to ninety-seven per cent of your team will be part timers. Your compensation plan needs to focus on the part-timer, not the Heavy Hitter.

Let me tell you a story about that. There is a company out there that’s really rocking and rolling right now. They have a single product. Talking with the top distributor in the company, his group is growing fast. They added 13,000 brand new distributors last month. Only problem is, 14,000 dropped out the back end.

I Call That “Vampire Networking!”

Vampire networking means, you look for new blood. You are always, always, always looking for new blood.

So why is it that these people drop out? The reason they drop out is, they are not making money. Part-time people are not making money. That’s why the network marketing companies need to focus on the part-timers.

And don’t tell me that your super star space commander guru leader is making $200,000 a week. Tell me you have 10,000 part-time people making $200 a week. Because again, 95 - 97% of your group, no matter how big you build it, how small it is, 95-97% are part-time people.

These are part time people, working a 2 or 3 hours a week, maybe 5, 7 hours a week. A half-hour here, an hour there, building their business. Those are the people that have got to get a checkk.

Most Compensation Plans Focus On Recruit, Recruit, Recruit

Problem is, only about 3-4% of the population can recruit. The rest of the world can share.

What’s so amazing about this is, people their whole lives have recommended and promoted. They recommend and promote a good book, good movie, good restaurant. And when they get into network marketing, all the sudden it’s top secret. They don’t tell people about their amazing product, because some idiot Heavy Hitter told them, “You got to start selling people!”

See, they have been sharing their whole life. It’s not a problem. They have recommended and promoted their whole life. since about age 5. Now all the sudden they get into a business and they can’t do that anymore.

Now all the sudden it’s about sell, sell, sell, recruit, recruit, recruit … when in reality, all it is is recommend and promote.

Part-time people can do that. They’ve been doing it since age 5. Just let them do it. But the Heavy Hitters try to change people into this person that they are not.

And it doesn’t work.


Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE e-book and save years of failure and frustration :

Friday, August 1, 2008

MLM Strategy - Curb That Ego!

To be as effective as possible in both your personal life and your MLM business, you must have balance.

To start, you’ll achieve a lot more when you focus on understanding others rather than getting them to understand you. For your communication ability to nourish you both personally and in business, you first have to understand and really hear others. Concentrate on understanding the message they want to get across, and you will understand what’s important to them.

Most of us spend our time struggling to get our own message across to others. Here’s the problem - they can hear all the effort you put into having them understand you, and they decide that you are just like everybody else. They’re looking for someone to listen to them. They want understanding. But all you want is for them to listen to you. Result? A big battle of egos. You may win that battle, but you’ll sure never build your network.

To paraphrase Zig Ziglar, “To have what you want in life, you just need to give enough other people what THEY want in life.”

What others really want is understanding. So give it to them. Really listen to them. Really understand. Soon enough, it will be returned. And your personal and MLM network will build effortlessly.


Get Michael Dlouhy's FREE e-book at

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