Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Strangest MLM Secret

Back in the 1950s, the radio commentator Earl Nightingale did a daily radio commentary. One of his presentations in particular was re-played and re-played, ultimately reaching an audience of millions of people … very unusual for that day and age.

The title of that commentary was, “The Strangest Secret.” And the “strangest secret” is, you become what you think about most of the time.

Most people can look at that thought today and say, “Well, sure, that’s pretty obvious.” And yet … so many of us still think of ourselves on a daily basis as very limited people, and we actually talk our limitations into existence.

An old saying goes, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” Here’s the thing. If you think you can’t do it, if you think you aren’t worthy, if you think you can’t ever change, if you think you are always destined to be a loser, then … your mind figures, “Why even try? I can’t do it. I know that. So why even try?”

And even if you make an effort, it’s just for show. You do just enough to say, “Well, I tried.” And then you can comfortably fail again, just like you knew you would.

Success and achievement require a real effort. That will not happen if your mind is repeating, “I can’t do it.”

The only way to change that is to constantly be on the lookout. Listen for that little voice that says. “I can’t.” Anytime you hear it, just say, “That’s stupid. I’m a different person than I was last time. This is a whole different circumstance. Let’s just do it!”

When you clear your mind of the trash, you are much closer to success.

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