Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Stress-Free MLM - Don’t Sweat It!

I talk to people on a regular basis who seem to be constantly on pins and needles, waiting for the next emergency in their personal life or their network marketing business. And for a fair part of the population, WHATEVER happens next gets treated as an emergency. And most of the time, it’s one of those things they won’t even remember 6 months down the road.

Life is not an emergency … but you should definitely act with urgency to achieve your goals.

Here’s the thing about life: it is a never-ending series of events, as long as you live. Events like:

1. You’re late for an appointment with a hot lead.
2. The guy who mows your lawn can’t make it this week.
3. The big picnic got cancelled because of rain.
4. Your car had a flat tire.
5. The garbage can is overflowing.
6. Your dog had puppies.
7. That new person in your office isn’t working out.
8. Your prospect’s computer crashed and they can’t sign up.
9. The War in Iraq is still going on.
10. The network is cancelling your favorite TV show.

It’s amazing to me how many people neglect their families and their own dreams because of an event like those listed above. These are people whose life goes from one emergency to the next. What they don’t see is that we all have those same events in our lives. But most people don’t act like it’s an emergency.

No matter how many hours a week you work, your ‘in basket’ will never been empty. Even after you die, those events will just keep right on coming.

The truth for your life is, don’t sweat the small stuff. Nothing on that list is worth losing a moment’s sleep over. Just keep right on working on the stuff that is REALLY important in your life. Ignore the rest of it. Or if you can’t ignore it, at least don’t compound the problem by getting upset over it. Just do what you must and let it go.

At some time along life’s way, we all create our own emergencies. That’s OK. As soon as you recognize it, let it go. Be easy on yourself. Most of these things will make zero difference in the outcome of even one day, let alone have a lasting impact on your life.


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