By Michael Dlouhy
If YOU don’t understand “The Long Tail” of network marketing, your chance of success is pretty small.
Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands … probably millions of people have quit network marketing, totally frustrated, thinking they failed.
The truth is, they just worked the wrong plan.
The Long Tail is a different way of looking at MLM. In the heavy hitters’ business model, you buy leads, call the leads, 98% don’t join, it’s over, burn ‘em off, next, next, next. And the 2% who do join you get disillusioned by no income in the first 6 weeks, so they’re off to some other pie-in-the-sky bizop.
versus … in the Long Tail model, you offer people a valuable freebie in exchange for their contact information. Then you call them up, you talk, you find out what they want & need, you offer them help, you build “know, like & trust” with them.
You continue contacting them at least once a month and over time, they’ll begin to join you in your business. The result is, you are leveraging every minute and dollar you spend to the maximum. And you wind up with people who really want to be in business with you …
People Who Will Actually Build YOUR Business
Network marketing is a relationship business for 2 main reasons:
1. You can’t sell a lick and you know it - so there’s no chance you’ll ever build any kind of business based on you selling something or recruiting somebody. That is why buying a list of leads from some unknown source – or even a known source – makes no sense whatsoever.
2. Your #1 goal is to create an income to support the lifestyle you want, an income which you can pass down to your children’s children. That means you must find business partners who will stick around. And that means you can’t just sell them something. You have to build a relationship with them … which you may do quickly … or which may take months or years.
The key is to make time work for you. If you’re just burning through a list of purchased names, you are always fighting time, because none of those people has had the time to get to know you. But if your goal is to “stock the pond” with real business partner prospects, and build a relationship, then time is working in your favor. The longer they know you, the more contacts you’ll make with them, the more likely they’ll start to see YOU as someone very special in this business.
People Haven’t Changed Much Over The Last Thousand Years
They still want love. They want passion in their personal lives and their professional lives. They want self-satisfaction & health, security & achievement, freedom & trust, fun & financial independence.
People will still want these things a thousand years from now.
The mistakes I see people make in this business astonish me … the wrong directions they take and the worthless busywork they do.
If you want happiness and fortune & fulfillment in your life, if you want a lifetime of luck, you need to create relationships with people. To do that, you need to study people and understand them. If you will only do that, the opportunities you’ll be presented with are endless.
For you to have great success, it’s critical that you have that “Long Tail” viewpoint of building relationships. Over time, those relationships will pay off for you.
That’s why you must promote YOURSELF to people, not some product or company. Unexpected things can happen to products or companies. But if you build the relationship of YOU and that person, then eventually, there’s a good chance you are the one they will come to for help and/or advice … and/or your business opportunity, whatever it is at that particular time.
It’s Not The Product Or The Company Or Even The Money That Is The Magic
Most people focus on the money. Recruit someone today. Sell a product today. When they call people, they churn & burn. If a prospect won’t join now, today, then hang up and call the next one.
The problem is, people quickly spot that “me first” attitude. It’s what they’ve come to expect. It gets you nowhere except frustrated and out of the network marketing business.
It’s time to realize that the magic isn’t the product, the company, or the money. The magic is YOU.
One way to make money in any market is to simply be there and see things in their early stages. Get involved and contribute to others in the same market. I learned long ago how important it is to your financial success & your happiness to be able to predict the future, by seeing things as they really are now.
See Into The Future
You can do that, too … all it takes is a strong commitment. Understand the problems people have in network marketing, and what causes them, and what the solutions are. And if you know that much, it’s easy to build value-based relationships with people, because they will know that you are sincere, that the information you are giving them is true … and that you are helping them.
This is all I have ever done in network marketing, and I promise you, it works like crazy. This very article is a perfect example.
The majority still believe network marketing is a sales business. There are very, very few who realize that the big organizations are built by people who understand The Long Tail … the value of building long-term relationships.
Most people are still focused on making money right now, this afternoon at the latest. But for the money to happen, you must first be a person willing to give value to others with no expectation of return. And your plan should be to continue doing exactly that, over time, so that you can take advantage of The Long Tail of network marketing.
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