Thursday, July 31, 2008

Your MLM Team - Acknowledge, Admire, Appreciate Them

When you are building a team that you home will take you to the promised land in network marketing, it’s very important that you make a point of liking, admiring, and appreciating them. That’s important in your life with everyone … but especially with your MLM team.

You are the leader of your team. You will get plenty of credit for team accomplishments. Don’t waste a second thinking it might be a good idea to reserve some of the credit for yourself. Instead, recognize everyone around you, let them know how much they mean to you, tell them what they are doing that is really terrific. Acknowledge, admire, appreciate.

Some people have reasons for not doing this. They think the team members already know how much they are appreciated, that they don’t need to hear it again. Maybe they think it sounds phony or over the top.

I think I’m safe in saying that the recipient of appreciation NEVER feels that the thanks is unwarranted. They aren’t embarrassed. They are way more accustomed to not being acknowledged for the things they do. So when you acknowledge them, you create a bond and a trust that is rare. If you think people already know their strengths, so you don’t need to tell them … well, that is wrong. They may well know their strengths … but they often think others don’t recognize it. So when you do point it out, that is a special moment for them.

Even more … it means you are focusing on what is right with your team. They will all appreciate that. When you focus on what is right, you will get more “right” in return. That’s what they will all strive to do. So your appreciation of others also helps build your business.

Make it a point to appreciate team members - and others in your life - every day of the week.


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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Effective MLM Thinking - Garbage Out, Garbage In

By Michael Dlouhy

It’s easy to sometimes resent some of the little things that you have to do on a day-to-day basis, just to keep from losing ground. There’s not much that could be less glamorous or exciting than taking out the garbage. Nobody WANTS to take out the garbage. But it’s got to be done, or there will be serious consequences of one kind or another. We all have tasks like that in our lives.

And that makes it easy to sometimes focus on what a pain in the neck our responsibilities are … and lose track of the fact that others in our groups and our relationships also have boring, monotonous responsibilities that they do every day. It’s really easy to picture everything YOU do to support others. But consider the responsibilities those others perform, too. Think for a moment what your life would be like if you had to do all that yourself.

Sometimes we get in the mode of “keeping score.” We keep track of who is doing what, who is doing more, who is doing less, how it all pales in comparison to what we are doing. The result of this thinking is usually resentment and often, less inclination to do what really needs to be done. Anyone who follows that path very long is headed for failure.

Worrying about whether someone is taking advantage of you is very similar to beliving you have to be right. What is really important to your success is that the jobs get done. That is where to focus, and to set the example for all in your MLM group or in your family. When you just focus on the getting things done part, you’ll free up a lot of energy for the really important activities in your life.


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Monday, July 28, 2008

How Many Recruits & Customers Do You Need To Earn The Income You Want?

How can you set an income goal when you have no idea how many people you need on your team?

I ask people that question all the time, and most of the time, I get a blank look. They don’t have a clue. They’ve never figured it out.

But the fact is, every income goal set by any rep with any company requires a certain number of recruits. What is that number in YOUR company?

If you don’t know the answer, you don’t have a prayer of achieving any income goal.

I asked a guy this question recently, and he said, “Oh, I need 5,000 people to make $10,000 a month.”

I told him that was a very quick answer. How did he know it?

“Well, we make a dollar a bottle. And everybody goes on a 2-bottle autoship, so I’ll need 5,000 people to make $10,000 a month.

How does this play in the REAL world? First of all, 5,000 people … you KNOW not everybody will be on 2 bottles of autoship. Not everybody will be on autoship at all. So you’ll need way more than 5,000 people in the plan. How realistic is that?

But you’ve got to know those numbers.

Lots of people set income goals, but there’s no reality to it, because they don’t go that next step to figure out exactly how many people it will take in their organization to meet those goals.

They don’t know if they need 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 100,000 … they just don’t know. Once you know the formula, you can apply it to any goal you want. You can have a $1,000 a week goal or a $5,000 a week goal. You just need to understand what type of group you want to build.


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Sunday, July 27, 2008

The “Long Tail” Theory of Network Marketing

By Michael Dlouhy
If YOU don’t understand “The Long Tail” of network marketing, your chance of success is pretty small.
Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands … probably millions of people have quit network marketing, totally frustrated, thinking they failed.
The truth is, they just worked the wrong plan.
The Long Tail is a different way of looking at MLM. In the heavy hitters’ business model, you buy leads, call the leads, 98% don’t join, it’s over, burn ‘em off, next, next, next. And the 2% who do join you get disillusioned by no income in the first 6 weeks, so they’re off to some other pie-in-the-sky bizop.
versus … in the Long Tail model, you offer people a valuable freebie in exchange for their contact information. Then you call them up, you talk, you find out what they want & need, you offer them help, you build “know, like & trust” with them.
You continue contacting them at least once a month and over time, they’ll begin to join you in your business. The result is, you are leveraging every minute and dollar you spend to the maximum. And you wind up with people who really want to be in business with you …
People Who Will Actually Build YOUR Business
Network marketing is a relationship business for 2 main reasons:
1. You can’t sell a lick and you know it - so there’s no chance you’ll ever build any kind of business based on you selling something or recruiting somebody. That is why buying a list of leads from some unknown source – or even a known source – makes no sense whatsoever.
2. Your #1 goal is to create an income to support the lifestyle you want, an income which you can pass down to your children’s children. That means you must find business partners who will stick around. And that means you can’t just sell them something. You have to build a relationship with them … which you may do quickly … or which may take months or years.
The key is to make time work for you. If you’re just burning through a list of purchased names, you are always fighting time, because none of those people has had the time to get to know you. But if your goal is to “stock the pond” with real business partner prospects, and build a relationship, then time is working in your favor. The longer they know you, the more contacts you’ll make with them, the more likely they’ll start to see YOU as someone very special in this business.
People Haven’t Changed Much Over The Last Thousand Years
They still want love. They want passion in their personal lives and their professional lives. They want self-satisfaction & health, security & achievement, freedom & trust, fun & financial independence.
People will still want these things a thousand years from now.
The mistakes I see people make in this business astonish me … the wrong directions they take and the worthless busywork they do.
If you want happiness and fortune & fulfillment in your life, if you want a lifetime of luck, you need to create relationships with people. To do that, you need to study people and understand them. If you will only do that, the opportunities you’ll be presented with are endless.
For you to have great success, it’s critical that you have that “Long Tail” viewpoint of building relationships. Over time, those relationships will pay off for you.
That’s why you must promote YOURSELF to people, not some product or company. Unexpected things can happen to products or companies. But if you build the relationship of YOU and that person, then eventually, there’s a good chance you are the one they will come to for help and/or advice … and/or your business opportunity, whatever it is at that particular time.
It’s Not The Product Or The Company Or Even The Money That Is The Magic
Most people focus on the money. Recruit someone today. Sell a product today. When they call people, they churn & burn. If a prospect won’t join now, today, then hang up and call the next one.
The problem is, people quickly spot that “me first” attitude. It’s what they’ve come to expect. It gets you nowhere except frustrated and out of the network marketing business.
It’s time to realize that the magic isn’t the product, the company, or the money. The magic is YOU.
One way to make money in any market is to simply be there and see things in their early stages. Get involved and contribute to others in the same market. I learned long ago how important it is to your financial success & your happiness to be able to predict the future, by seeing things as they really are now.
See Into The Future
You can do that, too … all it takes is a strong commitment. Understand the problems people have in network marketing, and what causes them, and what the solutions are. And if you know that much, it’s easy to build value-based relationships with people, because they will know that you are sincere, that the information you are giving them is true … and that you are helping them.
This is all I have ever done in network marketing, and I promise you, it works like crazy. This very article is a perfect example.
The majority still believe network marketing is a sales business. There are very, very few who realize that the big organizations are built by people who understand The Long Tail … the value of building long-term relationships.
Most people are still focused on making money right now, this afternoon at the latest. But for the money to happen, you must first be a person willing to give value to others with no expectation of return. And your plan should be to continue doing exactly that, over time, so that you can take advantage of The Long Tail of network marketing.
Read Michael Dlouhy's FREE e-book :

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Make It Safe for Your MLM Team Members To Vent

Consider the alternative: certain members of your team are scared of you, scared to tell you of a problem that they see. If they don’t feel safe enough to tell you what they are thinking, you have trouble in your future.

Result? Their questions don’t get answered. They make no progress. They stagnate. They are unproductive. They don’t trust you, and they feel unsafe in talking to you about it.

Will some people complain about ridiculous stuff? Sure. But to them, it’s not ridiculous. Sometimes, just knowing that you really listened to them makes the problem go away.

But better yet … here and there you will learn some things you didn’t know. It’s not unusual for successful people to get in a mindset of “My way or the highway!” But there are many ways to skin a cat. And the more ways your team has of being successful, the better off your organization will be in the long run. When you really listen to others, you will learn stuff that can change your life.

By Michael Dlouhy


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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mental Cleanse

What happens with your mind, subconsciously, when negative friends & family members are talking to you? You are being programmed, just as you are programmed daily by radio, TV, newspapers, the internet, and other non-stop chatter.

For you to have the success you want and deserve in life, it’s critical that you learn to block out this garbage. That’s why when we coach people, we have them plug into a 30-day mental cleanse, so you can turn off the chatter that works its way into your own brain.

We started this mental cleanse not too long ago. And yet, we have had many, many dozens of emails from participants, telling us that it has totally changed their lives.

Success Requires That You Get Rid of the Negativity Forever

When you register for our 30 Day Mental Cleanse, you get a great book emailed to you: “Think And Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill. We read one chapter a week. And every Wednesday, we email you feedback from many members of our 30 Day Cleanse group - what they got out of the current week’s chapter.

If you participate in this process for just 30 days, it will change your life. You will learn to stop the mental chatter and start reprogramming yourself with positive self-talk.

Be Honest With Yourself

This is critical. Do you want success so much in your life that you’re willing to pay the price of giving up TV, giving up radio, giving up negativity for 30 days?

If your answer is “Yes,” then you can register to begin your 30 Day Mental Cleanse at

(If your answer is “No,” I understand. Giving up the TV isn’t easy for most people. But you might consider how many “new” hours a week you would be able to dedicate toward achieving success …)

Get a free copy of Michael's e-book here :

Monday, July 21, 2008

Your MLM Team - Acknowledge, Admire, Appreciate Them

When you are building a team that you home will take you to the promised land in network marketing, it’s very important that you make a point of liking, admiring, and appreciating them. That’s important in your life with everyone … but especially with your MLM team.

You are the leader of your team. You will get plenty of credit for team accomplishments. Don’t waste a second thinking it might be a good idea to reserve some of the credit for yourself. Instead, recognize everyone around you, let them know how much they mean to you, tell them what they are doing that is really terrific. Acknowledge, admire, appreciate.

Some people have reasons for not doing this. They think the team members already know how much they are appreciated, that they don’t need to hear it again. Maybe they think it sounds phony or over the top.

I think I’m safe in saying that the recipient of appreciation NEVER feels that the thanks is unwarranted. They aren’t embarrassed. They are way more accustomed to not being acknowledged for the things they do. So when you acknowledge them, you create a bond and a trust that is rare. If you think people already know their strengths, so you don’t need to tell them … well, that is wrong. They may well know their strengths … but they often think others don’t recognize it. So when you do point it out, that is a special moment for them.

Even more … it means you are focusing on what is right with your team. They will all appreciate that. When you focus on what is right, you will get more “right” in return. That’s what they will all strive to do. So your appreciation of others also helps build your business.

Make it a point to appreciate team members - and others in your life - every day of the week.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Marketing Principle #1 Is Critical

Business models drive the behavior in the field. You cannot change the model. You can only work with it.

Some companies have a business model of very high-priced products which could never be sold to the public on product merit alone. The only way they can be sold is as a money-making opportunity. THAT business model creates an atmosphere of “recruit, recruit, recruit.” And you’re setting yourself up for massive failure.

Think about this. Marketing Principle #1 anywhere in the world is that a business sells products or services for a profit. If your business can’t do that, and you only earn profits by recruiting people … who recruit people who recruit people who recruit people … THAT is not normal! THAT is absolutely not sound marketing. THAT will end up getting the attention of the feds.

Companies that only recruit instead of retailing products or services usually have a very good reason. Which is, their products or services are way over-priced, so no one could ever actually sell them. Don’t put yourself at that competitive disadvantage.


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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Strange Practices of People Who Never Succeed

Over the years, I’ve observed a lot of people who have not achieved what they want in life. These people often have a lot in common. I thought it might benefit YOU to have a list of things NOT to do. So, following is what seems to be a mental “To Do” list for non-achievers:

1. Don’t listen to anyone who has had actual success.

2. Take advice from everybody you know who has never achieved a dream.

3. Plan, plan, plan, and plan some more. Get everything 100% right. Then check it a few more times before you actually DO something.

4. Blame others for your failure to achieve what you want.

5. Take time every day to remind yourself what a loser you are.

6. Repeat the same mistakes over and over.

7. Keep going in the same direction that has never gotten you where you want to go.

8. Don’t do anything to replace those limiting, negative thoughts you’ve always had.

9. Keep spending time around those people who assure you you’ll never be successful.

10. Insist that you are right, no matter what the outcome of any action, because being wrong is worse than failure.

Is there anything on this list that YOU ever do?

If so, how can you change it?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Choose Your MLM Battles Wisely

In MLM, we talk about duplication all the time. And it exists … but it’s never perfect. Everybody has their own way of doing things. No matter how closely someone may model you, they will make their own little personal changes. Most of the time, it’s no big deal. So don’t make it one.

Just be sure people understand the main principles. Then they can innovate a bit and still get good results. You can’t be one of those “my way or the highway” people, because most of us come to network marketing to get away from that!

That said, it IS important the people follow correct principles. If they go totally off the path, aimlessly wandering the forest, they’ll get lost. When you see that, then you need to assert yourself, because it’s for their own good. Just be sure that the battle you choose to fight is 100% relevant to THEIR success.

Plans rarely go exactly as you would like. People never do things just the way you would. But your step-by-step method probably isn’t sacred. There are lots of ways to skin a cat. Don’t let minor differences in style become a source of unhappiness, frustration, or constant battles.

The crucial action for you is to be certain you understand the principles behind every plan. Your goal isn’t to have your prospect become you … it’s to have them bond with you and follow your lead to build a successful business. If you do something that causes them to feel isolated and pull away from you, then YOU are the one who is sabotaging the plan.

Again, it all goes back to the principles of promoting & building the MLM business. Know what those are, and don’t sweat the small stuff.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Big MLM Team Mistake

There isn’t much that can create distrust and destroy focus and momentum faster than criticism.

All of us judge ourselves by our intent (what we’re thinking), and we judge others by their actions (what we can see). We know our own intent was good, no matter how everything turned out. But usually, we’re not so understanding with others.

It’s not unusual that when people get together, they talk about those who are not there. Some of it may be positive. Most of it usually isn’t. And how much of that negative talk gets you or your team closer to their MLM goals?

None, of course.

But it sure can come back to haunt you. People talk. Words you think you said in private create distrust and anger elsewhere. When you criticize someone, they feel attacked … especially since they judge themselves by their intent, and they judge you by your actions. When they feel attacked, they will either pull away from you, or they will counter-attack.

In network marketing, this means the team either breaks up or it devours itself. No dreams being fulfilled there, for sure.

The only sane thing to do is, recognize what can happen, assume that nothing you say will stay private, and do not criticize.

Focus on the positive dream-building. That should keep everybody busy.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Handling Criticism in Your MLM Business

I have a plaque on my wall that says, “What anybody else thinks about me is none of my business.” I like that sentiment, because it’s easy to get caught up in what other people say about you, or to you. You have to please yourself first. It’s always possible that criticism may give you a helpful hint, but too often, it’s just misplaced anger. Somebody else sees how you do things and it doesn’t match with how they would do things, so you must be wrong. Taking comments like that to heart can really hurt your network marketing progress.

Sometimes we attack the criticizer. That’s not too productive. It just puts more focus on the negative, makes you think about it longer, takes you away from result-producing activities.

If the guns are being fired directly at you, the real key is to stay cool. Keep your focus. Do whatever you need to do to not begin some back-and-forth battle. What works for me is thinking of my perfect day. Anytime I feel the start of an outside attack, I picture my perfect day in great detail. The result is, the anger does not draw me in. I’m able to stay calm and talk to the person, and the mean words just roll off my back.

One thing I know for sure is that if you react to it, the battle will ramp up. The criticism will get harsher and there will be more of it. The better able you are to relax and maybe picture YOUR perfect day in great detail, the beauty of that day, the sooner the other person will just let go and relax, too. You can’t fight long with no opponent.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Stress-Free MLM - Don’t Sweat It!

I talk to people on a regular basis who seem to be constantly on pins and needles, waiting for the next emergency in their personal life or their network marketing business. And for a fair part of the population, WHATEVER happens next gets treated as an emergency. And most of the time, it’s one of those things they won’t even remember 6 months down the road.

Life is not an emergency … but you should definitely act with urgency to achieve your goals.

Here’s the thing about life: it is a never-ending series of events, as long as you live. Events like:

1. You’re late for an appointment with a hot lead.
2. The guy who mows your lawn can’t make it this week.
3. The big picnic got cancelled because of rain.
4. Your car had a flat tire.
5. The garbage can is overflowing.
6. Your dog had puppies.
7. That new person in your office isn’t working out.
8. Your prospect’s computer crashed and they can’t sign up.
9. The War in Iraq is still going on.
10. The network is cancelling your favorite TV show.

It’s amazing to me how many people neglect their families and their own dreams because of an event like those listed above. These are people whose life goes from one emergency to the next. What they don’t see is that we all have those same events in our lives. But most people don’t act like it’s an emergency.

No matter how many hours a week you work, your ‘in basket’ will never been empty. Even after you die, those events will just keep right on coming.

The truth for your life is, don’t sweat the small stuff. Nothing on that list is worth losing a moment’s sleep over. Just keep right on working on the stuff that is REALLY important in your life. Ignore the rest of it. Or if you can’t ignore it, at least don’t compound the problem by getting upset over it. Just do what you must and let it go.

At some time along life’s way, we all create our own emergencies. That’s OK. As soon as you recognize it, let it go. Be easy on yourself. Most of these things will make zero difference in the outcome of even one day, let alone have a lasting impact on your life.

Monday, July 14, 2008

MLM Team-Building

You get a great sense of satisfaction by giving with no strings attached. You can give material things, or your time, or your expertise. Doing so puts you in the right frame of mind to talk to other people about your MLM opportunity. You know you are acting in their best interest, and that is a real key.

I have driven to New York twice, to help team members when they were ready to move - one to Florida, the other to Kentucky. My son Matthew went with me and helped. I think you, as the leader of your group, need to be Example #1 of bonding and relationship-building. For your people to work well together and to really perform and prosper as a team, they need that example. When they see you walking the talk, how can they do any less?

Not too long ago, I drove 500 miles round-trip to cut down a tree for one of my team. The tree was dead, it was threatening their home, and I’ve cut down a lot of trees in my life. Linda and Matthew came with me. We made a day of it, cutting down the big old hickory tree and cutting it into pieces and hauling it all to their burn pile. We all felt great on that 250 mile ride back home. Do you think an act of kindness like that will create a long-lasting effect? I believe it does. A single act like that can set in motion a series of acts of kindness. Isn’t that a great legacy to give your team?

The lesson is simple: just look for opportunities to help.
Then do so eagerly, with no expectation of return.

But trust me, you will get the return. Immediately, your life is filled with strong positive feelings and content. Who knows what future cycles of kindness you may have started? And last, but certainly not least - you have strengthened your network marketing relationships.

That’s definitely not a bad thing.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Strangest MLM Secret

Back in the 1950s, the radio commentator Earl Nightingale did a daily radio commentary. One of his presentations in particular was re-played and re-played, ultimately reaching an audience of millions of people … very unusual for that day and age.

The title of that commentary was, “The Strangest Secret.” And the “strangest secret” is, you become what you think about most of the time.

Most people can look at that thought today and say, “Well, sure, that’s pretty obvious.” And yet … so many of us still think of ourselves on a daily basis as very limited people, and we actually talk our limitations into existence.

An old saying goes, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” Here’s the thing. If you think you can’t do it, if you think you aren’t worthy, if you think you can’t ever change, if you think you are always destined to be a loser, then … your mind figures, “Why even try? I can’t do it. I know that. So why even try?”

And even if you make an effort, it’s just for show. You do just enough to say, “Well, I tried.” And then you can comfortably fail again, just like you knew you would.

Success and achievement require a real effort. That will not happen if your mind is repeating, “I can’t do it.”

The only way to change that is to constantly be on the lookout. Listen for that little voice that says. “I can’t.” Anytime you hear it, just say, “That’s stupid. I’m a different person than I was last time. This is a whole different circumstance. Let’s just do it!”

When you clear your mind of the trash, you are much closer to success.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Be Ready For Life’s Surprises

Be Ready For Life’s Surprises

I’ll bet you’ve noticed that sometimes you get a life or business outcome you didn’t figure on … or want. And other times, you get a really good outcome from a situation that looked pretty bad.

To me, experiences like this emphasize how important it is to have the outlook that your life is a wonderful adventure, full of surprises … which means you have to be ready for pretty much anything.

You’re guaranteed to struggle at times. Knowing that, you can go in with a plan to get you back on the right road, no matter what the situation. And at times, you’ll have great success. That’s when you need a different plan, to really take advantage of your achievement.

No matter how much you know, or how experienced you are, or how detailed your plans are, your life and your future can change in a heartbeat.

In network marketing, you’re meeting new people all the time. And they bring with them new situations and new opportunities. I’ve found I get the best results in life & business when I’m really open to these new ideas. Every once in awhile, you’ll find a gem that makes your journey a lot more fun, or helps you reach your goals sooner.

No matter how much you plan, much of what happens is totally outside your control. So first, be ready and be alert. Then take what comes and use it to build the life you have dreamed of. The more you mentally prepare to adjust to life’s inevitable changes, the better you will get at achieving your dreams.

Friday, July 11, 2008

A Real-Life MLM “Crash-And-Burn” Happening TODAY!

By Michael Dlouhy

Listen to this audio & decide for yourself: “What’s Wrong With THIS MLM Picture?”

In Network Marketing, the business model drives the behavior in the field. This example is the real world. This is happening TODAY!

This long-time successful MLM company sells a product. Analyze this real-life situation for yourself to really understand the results of certain company decisions and what you must look for - and what you must avoid - in a network marketing company.

And you’ll hear an actual article written by a real leader in this company talking about the attrition in the company … and why it’s happening:


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Does It Have To Be Your Way Or The Highway?

By Michael Dlouhy

We all have moments when our thinking is … well … suspect. You have a lot of confidence that your thinking is right. But on the other hand … maybe it isn’t. How do you tell the difference? Here’s an idea that has helped me in both personal relationships and in my MLM business, and maybe it will help you.

Ask yourself, “What is behind this line of thinking?” At times, you will discover a very stubborn opinion that may have originated in a single long-ago incident. Something like:

“It’s my way or the highway.”
“Prospects just don’t listen.”
“Women can’t stick to a budget.”
“Men are bull-headed.”
“Kids can’t be trusted.”

Obviously, the list could go on forever. Probably, no thought on this list rings true for you. But we all have similar types of stubborn ideas that have hung around forever, and which sabotage relationships and our MLM business-building today. The trick is to recognize and get rid of them. Can you think right now of 2 or 3 of those recurring, age-old thoughts that have dictated how you live your life?

You can certainly improve your results by gaining new skills and by adding new, achievement-oriented thinking in your life. But you can also improve your results by recognizing faulty thinking or misdirected actions … and then get rid of them. As you do, people will notice that you have become wiser and gentler, and it will be much easier for you to build the relationships that build your network marketing business.


Daniela Riess
772 418 0950