Friday, November 28, 2008

Professional Pointer VS Guru

''How to Be a guru'' type materials are some of the best sellers in this industry.
Is that really what you need to become to be successful? Is it a must?
Or maybe what we really need is a team of people that we can go to for answers...

Very few people are considered gurus in this industry and we have a lot to learn from them,
we can use their knowledge on our road to success.
It's not essential to your success to become one of them...

One of my favorite chapters in '' Think and Grow Rich'' by Napoleon Hill
is called Specialized Knowledge. By reading that I was reassured that we don't need to become a ''guru''in order to be successful .
All we need is a ''Master Mind'' group that can supply the knowledge we require.

''Any man is educated who knows where to get the knowledge when he needs it, and how to organize that knowledge into definite plans of action. Through the assistance of his ''Master Mind'' group Henry Ford had at his command all the specialized knowledge he needed to enable him to become one of the wealthiest man in America. It was not essential that he have this knowledge in his own mind.''
Napoleon Hill

Being a guru is not essential to your financial future.
Becoming a professional pointer is.

Find your

''Master Mind'' group.
Remember what Dr. Hill would say :
''Specialized knowledge may be found just around the corner - any corner!''

I appreciate you,

Daniela Riess
Success in 10 Steps

How I Know That Lack Of success Is Not Your Fault...

A little over a year ago, the last place I was looking at
to find reasons for my failure was the business model I was following.

I'm listing below some facts that my good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy wrote based on his findings after joining and studying over 100 MLM companies.
I hope this will help you as much as they helped me
when you and if you blame yourself for your lack of success:

''The hard-driving, closing salesperson is about 8% of the population. And those 8% have convinced the other 92% that the 8% are right and the 92% are wrong. How did they do that? Because that is what they DO. It works for them, so they have total confidence that they are right, and when you feel their confidence, you KNOW they must be right, so you do what they tell you.

Ninety-two percent of the world's population is sales-resistant. They do not like to be sold, and they do not want to become that pushy, aggressive salesperson that nobody likes. Yet when they join MLM, some upline leader tells them, "Make a list of your friends and family. Call them up. Get 'em into the business. You need to hear 100 'No's for every 'Yes'.

Guess what? It still only works for the 8%. If you let them mesmerize you, you can wander aimlessly in the "failure" desert for years ... maybe forever.

You can't become something you hate in order to be successful. This model works for the 8% who are real salespeople. It's a disaster for the rest of us ... a very bad business model.

Every person on the planet has to be educated in the skills of what they're doing. Whether you're a doctor, carpenter, plumber, ditchdigger ... whatever you are ... you've got to be taught the skills of that business.

Do you think you can wake up one morning and say, "I'm going to be a doctor!" And you go down and join a company, get a distributor kit for 50 bucks, and you're a doctor?

Of course not. That's ludicrous...

...People get in network marketing, and they're told, "Call your friends & family." It's the biggest fallacy in the industry. Network marketing is not a sales business. It's a teaching & mentoring business. When you build people, people will build your business.

Those upline guru leaders will tell you, "Well, you didn't make enough phone calls. You're a loser. If it's to be, it's up to me."
Have you heard all that stuff? I'll bet you've believed it, too, haven't you?''

I hope some of you found some relief in reading this. If you are working on your business and your business is still not growing it is not your fault.
I've been there and I've done it all, got on conference calls, bought leads, signed up friends, family and neighbours etc...

Two years ago, I was visiting an Expo in Atlanta with my husband and
that gave me the chance to try the last thing that was left to try.
It's called: ''every 'no' you are one step closer to a 'yes' ''.
I talked to over 300 people in 3 days and all I got was ''No!''. Not even one ''Yes''.
Oh...hold on...I did get a few ''I'll think about it'' and a huge hit at my self confidence and at my belief in this business.

My days of trial and error were over when I realized that people are not numbers like I was taught.
People are people, they are brothers, sisters, mothers, spouses... People are not numbers... Listen to people and understand them, find out their needs and worries, and come up with a solution.
That is what people to their problems, not products and opportunities...
I was doing it all wrong, no wonder I was failing.

I appreciate you,

Daniela Riess

Here the three words that made a
huge difference for a lot of people just like me:

Proven Duplicatable System...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Any Excuse Will Do and Yours is a Great One!...

When we choose to build a business from home, somehow some people assume it will be easy...
They expect that it will be working without any or with little effort on their part.

We have to get rid of the instant gratification mentality if we want to own our lives.
We need skills, we need consistency and we need to be motivated just to name a few.

I use traffic exchanges for my business and I'm amazed by what I see every day. No wonder some people think this is an easy business.
I've seen everything from ''it will sell itself'' to ''free money'' to ''no investment required'' to ''automated profit with no work required''

Are you kidding me? This is the real world, my friends!

If the product sells itself, then why would the company need you? If nobody spends any money then where is the money coming from?

What if I would ask you how much money you want to make a month and let's assume you'd say $25,000.
That is about $800/day .
Now take a look at what you do for your business every day, and think of yourself as your own employee. Would you pay an employee $800 at the end of today for the same work you've just put into your business?

I see people quitting every day, and I've heard quite a few excuses...Best one of all is ''I need money fast. This is taking too long...''
We are so used to getting that check every 2 weeks from our J.O.B. that we expect the same thing to happen in Network Marketing . We wait two weeks, nothing happens and the we quit.

Here is the difference:
In a J.O.B. we are exchanging time for money.
However, in Network Marketing we exchange time for results. The difference is huge, especially when we understand that actions are needed before the results can come.

Another thing that we hang on to when we make the transition from a JOB to a home based business is the misconception that we do not need peoples skills.
We do need them and in order to master people skills we first have to work on ourselves first.
That is the part where unfortunately, reading a great book like Think and Grow Rich seems unnecesary and very time consuming to some of us...

Or how about missing that soap opera episode? That seems tabu for some people...
My mentor once said : ''Whatever happens in that episode does not matter''
That is so true and yet we always find time for a TV show, and never enough time to improve ourselves.

Another thing that some people don't understand is that a business is not a punch in and punch out 9-5 job.
We need to be prepared for a very different schedule that varies from day to day. To make that work we need organizing skills and discipline.

I used to get upset when people gave me excuses.
One day I asked my mentor what I should do when someone gives me an excuse:

This is exactly what he said :
''Daniela, write this down: ''Any excuse will do, and that is a great one.''
It worked! I even used it on myself from time to time...

Try saying that, say it to yourself every time you feel like quitting.
And if you think this business does not require any effort, then this is not for you. Don't waste your time and money because it will not work.

At a job, a boss holds us accountable and we do everything in our power to keep that job.
Why can we only be held accountable by someone else and not be able to hold ourselves accountable to own our lives.

Oh...and one more thing...
Did you know that there are on average 80% more people applying for a $40.000/ per year job than people applying for a $40,000 per month job? I added that just so you know that the ''too much competition'' excuse does not work either.

I hope this helped....

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Get Your Free Success In 10 Steps e-book HERE

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Are You Thinking Like a Prospect?

Are you leading your presentation with the product?
This is my story. It might make you a lot of money or it may not :

A couple years back I was a distributor in one of the biggest MLM companies with a great wellness product line.
I suffer from Multiple Sclerosis so after trying their product for a few months the difference in my walking was so noticeable that my neighbours started asking me what I was doing different.
That company was all about the product and how great it was. Most of the training was product...ingredients...product...ingredients again...
My good friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy would say ''green leprechauns were harvesting that product every other full moon night'' ...that's how special it was...

I started telling my neighbours how great the patented product was, what the ingredients were, how ''unique'' it was, how many double-blinded study trials the company did, the full history of the doctor that ''discovered'' the main ingredient, how many years it took to come up with that perfect formula etc...
I'm sure for some of you that sounds oh so familiar...

I even said to them proudly that in order to find one of the ingredients, a bunch of scientists had to go on the bottom of the ocean and collect a very rare to find algae, otherwise the product would not work that well.
And...I found time to even mention that the company was publicly traded and that it reached a billion dollars in sales... Oh, and that the owner had four kids...
You get the idea...

I thought everybody on my street will buy that product from me after that wonderful and almost complete presentation.
I said almost because just when I was getting warmed up, to my surprise they all had to go...
And guess what ? All they said was : ''WOW! Amazing!''
Then it came my favorite one of all : ''Good for you!...''
I can't count how many times I heard that ''good for you'' thing in the next few months.
And guess what? Nobody bought my product. I was sure that somebody will... After all, I was a walking testimonial and a product expert.

That reminds me of a great book called: "If My Product's So Great, How Come I Can't Sell It?" by Kim Klaver.

So this was my short story...
Most companies have great products, they would not be in business if they did not.
Leading with the product will not work and you don't need to be a product expert. There is a great thing out there called Google for all the prospects interested in detailed ingredients studies.
In this business what we need to become is professional pointers. That is what's duplicatable.

And below is a great quiz for you. The key question is :
Are you thinking like a prospect?

What do prospects consider most important in deciding on a company?
Rate the items yourself, from 1 to 10, most important to least important,
from a prospects point of view:

-Company literature shown
-Marketing plan and potential earnings
-Training provided
-Who gave the presentation
-Product line
-Company management experience
-Up-line support
-company image
-sales kit provided
-being first in your area

My friend Tom ''Big Al'' Schreiter, one of the best generic trainers in this industry, traveled the world, talked to network marketers, and discovered the results to this quiz.

To get the results to the quiz
get your free copy of the Success in 10 Steps HERE

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess
