Friday, November 28, 2008

Professional Pointer VS Guru

''How to Be a guru'' type materials are some of the best sellers in this industry.
Is that really what you need to become to be successful? Is it a must?
Or maybe what we really need is a team of people that we can go to for answers...

Very few people are considered gurus in this industry and we have a lot to learn from them,
we can use their knowledge on our road to success.
It's not essential to your success to become one of them...

One of my favorite chapters in '' Think and Grow Rich'' by Napoleon Hill
is called Specialized Knowledge. By reading that I was reassured that we don't need to become a ''guru''in order to be successful .
All we need is a ''Master Mind'' group that can supply the knowledge we require.

''Any man is educated who knows where to get the knowledge when he needs it, and how to organize that knowledge into definite plans of action. Through the assistance of his ''Master Mind'' group Henry Ford had at his command all the specialized knowledge he needed to enable him to become one of the wealthiest man in America. It was not essential that he have this knowledge in his own mind.''
Napoleon Hill

Being a guru is not essential to your financial future.
Becoming a professional pointer is.

Find your

''Master Mind'' group.
Remember what Dr. Hill would say :
''Specialized knowledge may be found just around the corner - any corner!''

I appreciate you,

Daniela Riess
Success in 10 Steps

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