Saturday, November 15, 2008

Any Excuse Will Do and Yours is a Great One!...

When we choose to build a business from home, somehow some people assume it will be easy...
They expect that it will be working without any or with little effort on their part.

We have to get rid of the instant gratification mentality if we want to own our lives.
We need skills, we need consistency and we need to be motivated just to name a few.

I use traffic exchanges for my business and I'm amazed by what I see every day. No wonder some people think this is an easy business.
I've seen everything from ''it will sell itself'' to ''free money'' to ''no investment required'' to ''automated profit with no work required''

Are you kidding me? This is the real world, my friends!

If the product sells itself, then why would the company need you? If nobody spends any money then where is the money coming from?

What if I would ask you how much money you want to make a month and let's assume you'd say $25,000.
That is about $800/day .
Now take a look at what you do for your business every day, and think of yourself as your own employee. Would you pay an employee $800 at the end of today for the same work you've just put into your business?

I see people quitting every day, and I've heard quite a few excuses...Best one of all is ''I need money fast. This is taking too long...''
We are so used to getting that check every 2 weeks from our J.O.B. that we expect the same thing to happen in Network Marketing . We wait two weeks, nothing happens and the we quit.

Here is the difference:
In a J.O.B. we are exchanging time for money.
However, in Network Marketing we exchange time for results. The difference is huge, especially when we understand that actions are needed before the results can come.

Another thing that we hang on to when we make the transition from a JOB to a home based business is the misconception that we do not need peoples skills.
We do need them and in order to master people skills we first have to work on ourselves first.
That is the part where unfortunately, reading a great book like Think and Grow Rich seems unnecesary and very time consuming to some of us...

Or how about missing that soap opera episode? That seems tabu for some people...
My mentor once said : ''Whatever happens in that episode does not matter''
That is so true and yet we always find time for a TV show, and never enough time to improve ourselves.

Another thing that some people don't understand is that a business is not a punch in and punch out 9-5 job.
We need to be prepared for a very different schedule that varies from day to day. To make that work we need organizing skills and discipline.

I used to get upset when people gave me excuses.
One day I asked my mentor what I should do when someone gives me an excuse:

This is exactly what he said :
''Daniela, write this down: ''Any excuse will do, and that is a great one.''
It worked! I even used it on myself from time to time...

Try saying that, say it to yourself every time you feel like quitting.
And if you think this business does not require any effort, then this is not for you. Don't waste your time and money because it will not work.

At a job, a boss holds us accountable and we do everything in our power to keep that job.
Why can we only be held accountable by someone else and not be able to hold ourselves accountable to own our lives.

Oh...and one more thing...
Did you know that there are on average 80% more people applying for a $40.000/ per year job than people applying for a $40,000 per month job? I added that just so you know that the ''too much competition'' excuse does not work either.

I hope this helped....

I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess

Get Your Free Success In 10 Steps e-book HERE

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