People are often banned for spamming.
I'm sure you've noticed lots of blatant advertising as soon as you join.
I don't know about you but I see two different types of people acussed of spamming:
* The ones that come accross as ''know it all'' personalities, with ''the best thing since sliced bread'' poster. I'm sure that you've seen some of those posters sometimes.
They are flashy with all the bells and wistles attached.
Or, they might just describe a huge so called ''money maker''. The more hype involved, the better. You know what I mean.
They'll put that poster or script in e-mails, videos, profiles etc... Depending on the personality type, some will post just one time, and others don't ever give up on stuffing it in your face.
I remember one example when I got an advertising post right in my guestbook. No hello, no nothing attached to it.
I wrote to the person asking if he was aware that he was spamming. His answer back was unbelievable.
He pretty much said that I would not take what he was offering, so that is why he post it in my guestbook.
I wonder if it ever occur to him that maybe I just don't want his stuff.
* The ones that are new to the business with nobody helping them. I've been there, a few years ago, uneducated, excited about my new opportunity and eager to show it to everyone in sight.
I had no help, I had no system to follow and I was in a business model full of hype.
The only thing I had was an upline that I only heard from if I didn't buy anything that month.
I did not know where to advertise, the little money I had went on buying useless leads and phone scripts from big ''guru's''. I was like a blindfolded person trying to catch anything with a pulse.
I was joining business communities, forums and I was placing ads everywhere I could,
hoping that someone will join me. After all, there is word out there that we are all numbers, right?
So there I was playing a numbers game in complete darkness.
Nobody offered me any help, all I was told was ''you're spamming, we'll ban you'' .
I was like an child yelled at over and over but not told what he did wrong or how to make it right.
Did anybody come out and say: ''Let me help you'' ? Nooooo.
Well, there were the ocasional ''let me help you for a price'' offers but that does not count.
Most of us have challenges in the beginning, even you, big guru's out there started somewhere. Did you somehow forget?
Next time you see a so called ''spammer'' ask yourself if that could have been you years ago with no help, no money and no hope. Take a step back and think before you point the finger.
I hope that I helped someone today!
I appreciate you,
Daniela Riess
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